Stanislaw Radziszowski Headshot

Stanislaw Radziszowski


Department of Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Office Location
Office Mailing Address
Department of Computer Science Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY 14623

Stanislaw Radziszowski


Department of Computer Science
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences


BS, MS, Ph.D. in Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Warsaw (Poland)


Stanislaw Radziszowski is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science since 1995. He earned Ph.D. from the Institute of Informatics at the University of Warsaw. During the years 1980-1984 he worked in IIMAS at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City, and since 1984 at the RIT. In the 1990's he held three times 6-week visiting positions at the Australian National University in Canberra, and maintained collaborations with universities in Poland.

His main research interest is in combinatorial computing - solving classical problems in combinatorics, graph theory and design theory, usually with the help of massive computations. Bounds on Ramsey numbers are his favorite. His survey titled 'Small Ramsey Numbers', which is a regularly updated living article at the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, became a standard reference in this area. He teaches mostly theory oriented courses, including very popular courses on cryptography, both at undergraduate and graduate levels. His recent work on applied cryptography led to joint projects with Computer Engineering Department.


Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Published Conference Proceedings
Borrelli, Thomas J., Monika Polak, and Stanisław Radziszowski. "Designing and Delivering a Post-Quantum Cryptography Course." Proceedings of the SIGCSE Symposium, Portland, OR, March 2024. Ed. SIGCSE. Portland, OR, USA: n.p., 2024. Print.
Hassan, Zohair Raza, Edith Hemaspaandra, and Stanisław Radziszowski. "The Complexity of (P_k,P_l)-Arrowing." Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory. Ed. Springer. Trier, Germany: Springer, 2023. Web.
Fabinski, Peter, et al. "Power Analysis Attacks on the Customizable MK-3 Authenticated Encryption Algorithm." Proceedings of the MIXDES 2023. Ed. MIXDES. Kraków, Poland: MIXDES, 2023. Web.
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Invited Article/Publication
Radziszowski, Stanisław P. "Small Ramsey Numbers." Dynamic Surveys. (2024). Web.
Radziszowski, Stanisław P. "MR4668780." Off-diagonal online size Ramsey numbers for paths. (2024). Web.
Radziszowski, Stanisław P. "MR4695593." On the restricted size Ramsey number for a pair of cycles. (2024). Web.
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Journal Paper
Hassan, Zohair Raza, et al. "On Some Generalized Vertex Folkman Numbers." Graphs and Cominatorics 39. (2023): no. 62. Web.
Jayawardene, Chula, David Narváez, and Stanisław Radziszowski. "Star-critical Ramsey Numbers for Cycles Versus $K_4$." Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 41. 2 (2021): 381-390. Print.
Xu, Xiaodong, Meilian Liang, and Stanisław P. Radziszowski. "Chromatic Vertex Folkman Numbers." Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 27. 3 (2020): P3.53. Web.
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Full Patent
RIT-CE, team, L3Harris team, and Stanisław P. Radziszowski. "Cross-Domain Information Transfer System and Associated Methods." U.S. Patent 10,666,437. 1 May 2020.
Kurdziel, Michael, et al. "Customizable Encryption Algorithm Based on a Sponge Construction with Authenticated and Non-authenticated Modes of Operation." U.S. Patent 9,438,416. 6 Sep. 2016.
Published Review
Radziszowski, Stanisław P. "MR3634479." Rev. of Rev. of The Monochromatic Circumference of 2-Edge-Colored Graphs, ed. AMS. Mathematical Reviews 10 Aug. 2017: MathSciNet. Web.
Radziszowski, Stanisław P. "MR3668877." Rev. of Rev. of Hedgehogs Are Not Colour Blind, ed. AMS. Mathematical Reviews 6 Nov. 2017: MathSciNet. Web.
Radziszowski, Stanisław. "MR3480561." Rev. of On the Ramsey Number of the Triangle and the Cube, by American Mathematical Society. Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet 26 Sep. 2016: MR3480561. Web.
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Invited Keynote/Presentation
Radziszowski, Stanisław P. "Computers in Ramsey Theory; Testing, Constructions and Nonexistence." Computers in Scientific Discovery 8. CSD. Mons, Belgium. 24 Aug. 2017. Keynote Speech.
Radziszowski, Stanisław P. "Some Computational and Theoretical Problems for Ramsey Numbers." Third Gdansk Workshop on Graph Theory. Technical University of Gdansk. Gdansk, Poland. 16 Sep. 2015. Keynote Speech.
Radziszowski, Stanisław. "Ramsey Arrowing of Triangles." 5th Polish Combinatorial Conference. Warsaw Center of Mathematics and Computer Science, et al. Bedlewo, Poland. 22 Sep. 2014. Address.
Book Chapter
Xu, Xiaodong and Stanisław Radziszowski. "On Some Open Questions for Ramsey and Folkman Numbers." Graph Theory, Favorite Conjectures and Open Problems. Ed. Ralucca Gera, Stephen Hedetniemi, and Craig Larson. Switzerland, Switzerland: Springer, 2016. 43-62. Print.
Radziszowski, Stanislaw. "Ramsey Numbers Involving Cycles." Ramsey Theory: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Ed. Alexander Soifer. Boston, MA: Springer-Birkhauser, 2011. 41-62. Print.
Radziszowski, Stanislaw. "Some Ramsey Problems Involving Triangles - Computational Approach." Ramsey Theory: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Ed. Alexander Soifer. Boston, MA: Springer-Birkhauser, 2011. 185-188. Print.
External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
5/1/2014 - 5/14/2014
     Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
     Amount: 3000
Provisional Patent
Kurdziel, Michael, et al. "Electronic Key Management Using PKI to Support Group Key Establishment in the Tactical Environment." Patent 8,873,759. 28 Oct. 2014.
Published Article
Hu, Fei, Qi Hao, M. Lukowiak, Qingquan Sun, K. Wilhelm, S.Radziszowski, and Yao Wu. “Trustworthy Data Collection From Implantable Medical Devices Via High-Speed Security Implementation Based on IEEE 1363.” IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 14.6 (2010): 1397-1404. Print. "  *
Kaminsky, Alan, Michael Kurdziel, and Stanislaw Radziszowski. “An Overview of Cryptanalysis Research for the Advanced Encryption Standard.” Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 2010. 1310-1316. Print. *
Zalewski, Przemyslaw, Marcin Lukowiak, and Stanislaw Radziszowski. “Case Study on FPGA Performance of Parallel Hash Functions.” PrzegladElektrotechniczky (Electrical Review), 86.11 (2010): 151-155. Print. "  *

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course provides an introduction to cryptography, its mathematical foundations, and its relation to security. It covers classical cryptosystems, private-key cryptosystems (including DES and AES), hashing and public-key cryptosystems (including RSA). The course also provides an introduction to data integrity and authentication. Students cannot take and receive credit for this course if they have credit for CSCI-662.
3 Credits
This course provides an introduction to cryptography, its mathematical foundations, and its relation to security. It covers classical cryptosystems, private-key cryptosystems (including DES and AES), hashing and public-key cryptosystems (including RSA). The course also provides an introduction to data integrity and authentication. Note: students who complete CSCI-462 may not take CSCI-662 for credit.
3 Credits
Quantum-Resistant Cryptography (QRC) refers to cryptographic systems that are secure against attacks from both quantum and classical computers. Such systems may be achieved through classical (i.e. non-quantum) means. The security of many commonly used cryptographic protocols (especially Public Key cryptosystems and Digital Signatures) would be compromised if general-purpose, large-scale, fault-tolerant quantum computers became a reality. This course covers the consequences of Quantum Computing and why it poses a threat to currently used cryptographic systems, and then discusses cryptosystems designed to be resistant to such attacks. Students will describe and utilize the designs recommended by NIST for Quantum-Resistant encryption algorithms and explain their security advantages over classical cryptosystems.