Tae Oh Headshot

Tae Oh


School of Information
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Strategic Initiatives and Innovation Director

Office Location
Office Mailing Address
Golisao College of Computing and Information Sciences (GCCIS) 20 Lomb Memorial Dr Rochester, NY 14623

Tae Oh


School of Information
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Strategic Initiatives and Innovation Director


BS, Texas Tech University; MS, Ph.D., Southern Methodist University


Dr. Tae (Tom) Oh is a Professor at the Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences (GCCIS) and serves as the Director of Strategic Initiatives and Innovation at the National Technical Institute of Deaf (NTID) at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).  

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Personal Links
Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Mugabarigira, Bien, et al. "Context-Aware Navigation Protocol for Safe Driving in Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems." IEEE transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. (2022): 128-138. Web.
Jeong, J., et al. "A Comprehensive Survey on Vehicular Networks for Smart Roads: A Focus on IP-Based Approaches." Vehicular Communications. (2021): 14. Print.
Jeong, Jaehoon, et al. "STMAC: Spatio-Temporal Coordination-Based MAC Protocol for Driving Safety in Urban Vehicular Networks." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 19. 5 (2018): 1520-1536. Print.
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Published Conference Proceedings
Milallos, Rez, et al. "An Exploratory Study on the Low Adoption Rate of Smart Canes." Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction 2022. Ed. ACM. New York, New York: ACM, 2022. Web.
Crowe, W. and T. Oh. "Machine-To-Machine Ad-Hoc Networking with a Redundant 4G LTE Gateway Using BATMAN-Adv." Proceedings of the ACM 21st Annual Conference on Information Technology Education (SIGITE) 2020. Ed. ACM. Virtual, USA: n.p., 2020. Print.
Crowe, W. and T. Oh. "Distributed Unit Security for 5G Base-Stations using Blockchain." Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference of Software Security and Assurance (ICSSA) 2020. Ed. IEEE. Virtual, USA: n.p., 2020. Print.
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Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Milallos, Rez, Z. Mei, and Tae Oh. "Accessibility of Food Delivery Apps for the Blind and Visually Impaired." Proceedings of the UKC 2022. Ed. KSEA. Washington DC, Washington DC: KSEA.
Jeong, jaehoon, et al. "Basic Support for Security and Privacy in IP-Based Vehicular Networks." Proceedings of the IETF. Ed. IETF. Washington DC, Washington DC: IETF.
Jeong, J., et al. "IPv6 Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (IPWAVE): Problem Statement and Use Cases." Proceedings of the IETF. Ed. IETF. Washington DC, Washington DC: n.p..
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Invited Keynote/Presentation
Oh, T. "Haptic Vibration Handset Prototype Design and Usability Testing for Intelligent Mobility Cane." Invited Speaker at University of Bridgeport. University of Bridgeport. Bridgeport, USA. 20 Oct. 2020. Keynote Speech.
Oh, T. "Success on the Road to Tenure and Promotion." KAUPA Seminar. KAUPA. Virtual, USA. 25 Jun. 2020. Keynote Speech.
Oh, T. "AI and Application in COVID-19." KAIT Seminar. KAIT. Virtual, USA. 15 Aug. 2020. Keynote Speech.
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Invited Article/Publication
Pariti, Tae Oh and Jag. "Intelligent Mobility Cane Haptic Notification System." KOCSEA. (2019). Print.
Jeong, J., et al. "IPWAVE Security and Privacy for IP-Based Vehicular Networks." IETF- draft-jeong-ipwave-security-privacy-00. (2019). Web.
Jeong, J., et al. "IPWAVE Working Group: IP Wirelss Access in Vehicular Environments (IPWAVE): Problem Statement and Use Cases." IETF- draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicular-networking-08. (2019). Web.
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Invited Paper
Jeong, Jaehoon Paul, et al. "IP-based Vehicular Networking: Use Cases, Survey and Problem Statement." IETF: draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicular-networking-01. (2017). Web.
Jeong, J., et al. "Problem Statement for IP Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments." IETF: draft-jeong-ipwave-problem-statement-00. (2017). Web.
Jeong, Jaehoon and Tae Oh. "Problem Statement for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Networking." IETF: draft-jeong-its-v2i-problem-statement-00. (2016). Web.
Provisional Patent
Ge, Changfeng, et al. "Real-Time Monitoring of Packaging Handling and Transportation." US Provisional Patent Application US, 61/889,914. 1 Sep. 2013.
Book Chapter
Oh, Tae, Sumita Mishra, and Clark Hochgraf. "Smart Grid Security in the Last Mile." Security and Privacy in Smart Grids. Ed. Yang Xiao. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2013. 271-291. Print.
Choi, Young, Tae Oh, and Rajath Chouta. "RFID Implementation and Security Issues." Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Crete, Greece: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. 236-249. Print.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a field of study concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them. This course surveys the scope of issues and foundations of the HCI field: cognitive psychology, human factors, interaction styles, user analysis, task analysis, interaction design methods and techniques, and evaluation. This course will focus on the users and their tasks.
3 Credits
Wearable computers and Internet of Things devices involve both hardware and software. In order to design user experiences for these systems, professionals must understand how they are built. Students will learn how to rapidly prototype and evaluate wearable and IoT devices combining hardware and software. Experience in programming is helpful but not a prerequisite.
3 Credits
ITA graduate students are expected to make a scholarly contribution as a requirement for the MS degree. The Scholarship in Information Technology and Analytics course provides students with the fundamental skills needed to define and conduct a program of scholarly investigation in the form of a capstone or thesis project. The course focuses on skills such as academic writing, searching the literature, identifying and articulating interesting and important topics and problems, scholarship ethics, developing capstone proposals, critical thinking, and effective oral and written communication and presentation of scholarship.
3 Credits
Internet of Things (IoT) refers to physical and virtual objects that are connected to the Internet to provide intelligent services for energy management, logistics, retail, agriculture and many other domains. IoT leverages sensors, wireless communication, mobile devices, networking and cloud technologies to create many smart applications. In this course, the students learn about IoT design and development methodologies that enable the development of IoT applications. The students have hands-on opportunities to program and build IoT prototypes through lab assignments and a course project. The students should have some programming knowledge and required to purchase a IoT kit.