Aaron Gerace Headshot

Aaron Gerace

Research Faculty

Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

Office Location

Aaron Gerace

Research Faculty

Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science
College of Science


Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Gerace, Aaron. "Derivation and Validation of the Stray Light Correction Algorithm for the Thermal Infrared Sensor Onboard Landsat 8." Remote Sensing of the Environment 191. (2017): 246-257. Web.
Gerace, Aaron D., et al. "An Analysis of the Side Slither On-Orbit Calibration Technique Using the DIRSIG Model." Remote Sensing 6. 11 (2014): 10523--10545. Print.
Gerace, Aaron D., John R. Schott, and R Nevins. "Increased Potential to Monitor Water Quality in the Near-shore Environment with Landsat'’s Next-generation Satellite." Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 7. (2013): 073558-073558. Print.
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Published Conference Proceedings
Gerace, Aaron D. "Chasing the TIRS Ghosts: Calibrating the Landsat 8 Thermal Bands." Proceedings of the SPIE Optical Engineering+ Applications. San Diego, California: SPIE Optical, 2014. Print.
Giannandrea, AnneMarie, et al. "The SHARE 2012 Data Campaign." Proceedings of the Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XIX. Baltimore, Maryland: n.p., 2013. Print.
Schott, John R., Aaron D. Gerace, and Matthew Montanaro. "Simulation of the Performance and Image Quality Characteristics of the Landsat OLI and TIRS Sensors Using DIRSIG." Proceedings of the SPIE Remote Sensing. Eninburgh, Scotland: n.p., 2012. Print.
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Currently Teaching

3 Credits
The analysis and solution of imaging science systems problems for students enrolled in the MS Project capstone paper option.
1 - 6 Credits
Masters-level research by the candidate on an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor.
1 - 6 Credits
Doctoral-level research by the candidate on an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor.
0 Credits
Continuation of Thesis

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