Robert Kremens Headshot

Robert Kremens

Research Faculty

Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

Office Location

Robert Kremens

Research Faculty

Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science
College of Science


BS, The Cooper Union; MS, University of Rochester; MS, Ph.D., New York University


Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Kremens, Robert L., et al. "Tracking Diurnal Variation in Photosynthetic Down-Regulation Using Low Cost Spectroscopic Instrumentation." Sensors 15. (2015): 10616--10630. Print.
Kremens, R L., M B. Dickinson, and R L. Kremens. "Estimating the radiated flux density form wildland fires using the raw output of limited bandpass detectors.." Intl. J. of Wildland Fire 24. 4 (2015): 461--469. Print.
Kremens, R L., et al. "Experimental procedures characterizing firebrand generation in wildland fires.." Fire Technology. (2015): --. Print.
Kremens, R L., et al. "Measurements to Relate Fire Radiative Energy Density and Surface Fuel Consumption RxCADRE 2011 and 2012." Intl. J of Wildland Fire. (2015): --. Print.
Kremens, R L., et al. "Measuring radiant emissions from entire prescribed fires with ground, airborne and satellite sensors - RxCADRE 2012.." Intl. J. of Wildland Fire. (2015): --. Print.
Kremens, R L., et al. "The Ability of Winter Grazing to Reduce Wildfire Size and Fire-induced Plant Mortality was not Demonstrated: A Comment on Davies et al." Intl J. of Wildland Fire. (2015) Print.
Kremens, R L., et al. "Towards a new paradigm in fire severity research using dose-response experiments.." Intl. J. of Wildland Fire. (2015): --. Print.
Kremens, Robert, et al. "Tracking Diurnal Variation in Photosynthetic Down-regulation using Low Cost Spectroscopic Instrumentation." Sensors 15. 5 (2015): 10616--10630. Print.
Kremens, Robert L., et al. "Integrated Active Fire Retrievals and Biomass Burning Emissions Using Complementary Near-coincident Ground, Airborne and Spaceborne Sensor Data." Remote Sensing of Environment 140. (2014): 719-730. Print.
Kremens, Robert L. "Flame-front Scale Numerical Simulation of Wildland Fire Radiant Emission Spectra as an Aid to Observation of Wildfires." International Journal of Wildland Fire. (2013) Print.
Smith, A M., et al. "Fuel Moisture Impacts Fire Radiative Energy Measures." Geophysical Research Letters 40. (2013): 1-5. Print.
Heilman, W, et al. "Observations of Fire-Atmosphere Interactions during Low-Intensity Prescribed Fires in the New Jersey Pine Barrens." International Journal of Wildland Fire. (2013) Print.
Brewer, N, et al. "Fuel Moisture Influences on Fire-altered Carbon in Masticated Fuels: An Experimental Study." Journal of Geophysical Research 40. (2013): 30-40. Print.
Kremens, Robert L. "Fuel Moisture Influences on Fire-altered Carbon in Masticated Fuels: An Experimental Study." Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences. (2012) Print.
Kremens, Robert L. "Flame-Front Scale Numerical Simulation of Wildland Fire Radiant Emission Spectra as an Aid to Observation of Wildfires." International Journal of Wildland Fire. (2012) Print.
Kremens, Robert L. "Radiant Power, Energy and Fuel Consumption in Mixed-Oak Forest Surface Fires." International Journal of Wildland Fire 21. (2012): 722-730. Print.
Kumar, S S., et al. "Exploiting the power law distribution properties of satellitefire radiative power retrievals: A method to estimate fire radiativeenergy and biomass burned from sparse satellite observations." Journal of Geophysical Research 116. (2011) Print.
Thompson, D. R., W. Johnson, and R. L. Kremens. "Multiple-frame Sub-pixel Wildfire Tracking." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. (2011): 1-5. Print.
Kremens, R. L. and M. B. Dickinson. "Radiant Power, Energy and Fuel Consumption in Mixed-oak Forest Surface Fires." International Journal of Wildland Fire. (2011): NA. Print.
Published Conference Proceedings
Hudak, A L., et al. ". Fire Radiative Power and Fire Radiative Energy Estimated from Multi-temporal Airborne WASP Thermal Infrared Images of Active Fire at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California: n.p., 2013. Print.
. ". Fire Radiative Power and Fire Radiative Energy Estimated from Multi-temporal Airborne WASP Thermal Infrared Images of Active Fire at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California: Association for Fire Ecology, 2013. Print.
L., Kremens, Robert. ". Fire Radiative Power and Fire Radiative Energy Estimated from Multi-temporal Airborne WASP Thermal Infrared Images of Active Fire at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California: Association for Fire Ecology, 2013. Print.
L., Kremens, Robert. ". Fire Radiative Power and Fire Radiative Energy Estimated from Multi-temporal Airborne WASP Thermal Infrared Images of Active Fire at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California: Association for Fire Ecology, 2013. Print.
Kremens, Robert L. "Fire Radiative Power and Fire Radiative Energy Estimated from Multi-temporal Airborne WASP Thermal Infrared Images of Active Fire at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida." Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California: Association for Fire Ecology, 2013. Print.
Published Article
Kremens, R.L., A.M. Smith, M.B. Dickinson. “Fire Metrology: Current and future directions in physics-based measurements.” Fire Ecology, 6 (2010): 13-35. Print. £
Dickinson, M.B.,Norris, R.L. Kremens, M.J. Lacki. “Effectsof wildland fire smoke on a tree roostingbat: application of a plume model, field measurements, and mammalian dose-response relationships.” Canadian Journal of Forest Research, (2010): n.p. Print. £
Formal Presentation
Kremens, R.L., C.C. Hardy, M.B. Dickinson. “Moderndevelopments for ground based monitoringof fire behavior and effects.” IAWF, 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference. Spokane, WA. November 2010. Presentation.
van Aardt, J.A., M. Arthur, G. Carmean, R.L. Kremens, J.W. Faulring, D. McKeown. “A SamplingApproach to Forest Fuel Load Assessment Across Different Fire Regimes in Eastern Deciduous Forests using Small-footprint Discrete Return Lidar.” American Society for Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), ASPRS 2010 Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. April 2010. Presentation.
Kremens, R.L., C.C. Hardy, M.B. Dickinson, “Time evolutionof landscape patterns for different prescribedfire ignition methods.” Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting of the ESA. Pittsburgh, PA. 2010. Presentation.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Freshman Imaging Project II is the second of a two-course sequence aimed at designing, developing, and building a functional imaging system that will be useful to a “real world” external constituency to achieve its technical goals. With help from faculty and staff from imaging science and other departments across campus, the unified team of students will plan and organize the effort, assess technology options, integrate components, and confirm that the system meets desired levels of performance. Students will develop a general understanding of the foundational concepts of imaging science, a working knowledge of the principles of systems engineering, an appreciation for the value of teamwork in technical disciplines, and practice oral and written technical communication. In this second course of the sequence, students proceed with construction and testing of their system that was designed in COS-IMGS-181.
1 - 4 Credits
This course is a faculty-developed exploration of appropriate graduate-level imaging topics that are not part existing courses. The level of study is appropriate for upper-class undergraduates or graduate level students.
1 - 6 Credits
Masters-level research by the candidate on an appropriate topic as arranged between the candidate and the research advisor.
1 - 4 Credits
This course is a faculty-directed tutorial of appropriate topics that are not part of the formal curriculum. The level of study is appropriate for student in their graduate studies.