Phenomenology and modeling support for human view
Principal Investigator(s)
John Kerekes
Research Team Members
Nina Raqueño, Jared Van Cor, Scott Brown
Project Description
This project is in support of a Phase II SBIR effort by Intelligent Automation, Inc., to develop a simulation capability for generating visible and infrared (EO/IR) video imagery of human activity for training algorithms to detect such activity in video sequences. Activity during the 2018-19 academic year focused on the planning and execution of Human View Validation Experiment (HUMVVEX) conducted in Dayton, OH in the fall of 2018. Longwave infrared (LWIR) and midwave infrared (MWIR) video sequences were acquired for several test scenarios including static and dynamic (humans walking) tests. RIT contributed to the effort by calibrating the real imagery and developing a DIRSIG scene of the background environment for use in validating the simulations.
Project Status:
The project will be completed shortly after the end of the 2018-19 academic year. Validation data and analysis report will be delivered to the sponsoring organizations.