SpecTIR Hyperspectral Airborne Experiment 2010


The Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory conducted a data collection campaign to gather multi-modal imagery data in collaboration with SpecTIR, LLC, Kucera International, and a dedicated team. 

In July 2010, the Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing (DIRS) Laboratory conducted a data collection campaign in collaboration with SpecTIR, LLC, Kucera International, and other individuals. This campaign, known as SpecTIR Hyperspectral Airborne Rochester Experiment (SHARE) 2010, aimed to collect multi-modal imagery data in the Rochester, New York area from July 26-29, 2010. The data collected supported nine unique experiments, with a focus on leveraging data from multiple sources. In addition to supporting these experiments, the campaign aimed to provide a valuable resource for future uni- and multi-modal phenomenology studies.

The data collection sites included the Genesee River, a portion of the city of Rochester which is included as part of the Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Image Generation (DIRSIG) Mega Scene 1, and the RIT campus. This allowed for a diverse range of environments to be included in the data set, such as open water, wetlands, and urban areas. The purpose of hosting this data is to make it accessible as a freely downloadable resource for scientific inquiry. 

We are interested in learning about the specific ways in which the data is being utilized. If you are new to the SHARE data website, email us with a brief explanation of your intended use for the data, or the issue you hope to address with its assistance, before accessing it.


We would like to express our gratitude to SpecTIR, LLC for their generous support in collecting the airborne hyperspectral imagery.


We hope you find this resource useful in your own studies. If you use any of the data from this set, please include the following reference in your publications:

J. A. Herweg, J. P. Kerekes, O. Weatherbee, D. Messinger, J. van Aardt, E. J. Ientilucci, Z. Ninkov, J. Faulring, Nina RaqueƱo, and J. Meola,"SpecTIR Hyperspectral Airborne Rochester Experiment Data Collection Campaign," Proc. SPIE 8390 (2012)