Transform how your students learn by rethinking aspects of your course with support!
The ActiveLearn Institute (AL-I), led by Dr. Sandi Connelly and the CTL team, will introduce faculty to the principles and practices of active learning. Over the course of five in-person sessions, participants will be provided the tools and strategies needed to enhance their teaching in small but important ways. AL-I is intended for faculty who are new to active learning and aims to build confidence, foster creativity, and encourage dialogue across disciplines. This Institute includes a stipend.
AL-I sessions will be interactive and incorporate discussions, examples, and opportunities for hands-on application. Participants will work on drafting active learning activities for their upcoming course(s), culminating in a showcase of their work.
Eligibility: All full-time faculty (tenured, tenure-track, lecturer, visiting) who have been reappointed for AY 2025-2026.
- Intro/Kickoff: Tues, May 13, 1-3pm
- Session 1: Tues, May 27, 10am-12pm
- Session 2: Tues, June 10, 10am-12pm
- Session 3: Tues, July 8, 10am-12pm
- Session 4: Tues, Aug 5, 10am-12pm
Application due: Submit this short application form
by the end of Thursday, April 3, 2025. Applicants will be notified of their status within two weeks.
Questions: If you have questions, email the Center for Teaching and Learning at