SIS records indicate that you are teaching an online course this Fall term. Below is some information to assist you in your course.
Students enrolled in your course can see your course shell one week before class begins. To ensure that students have a successful start to the term, make sure your course is up-to-date in myCourses:
Student Identity Verification: At the end of the term, when you submit final grades to SIS, you will be asked to verify that you have made a reasonable attempt to verify each student's identity. We have resources in place to help you do so. See the Guidelines and Instructions for SIVC.
Course Media: Do not upload videos directly to myCourses. Streaming creates a better student experience. The CTL Academic Media Services team will encode your video for streaming playback, and caption it for you! To get started with video streaming, refer to the guides from CTL on academic media usage.
If you need any assistance, resources are available from the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). One of the best ways to get ready is to meet with a consultant. Set up a meeting through the CTL Consultation Request Form.