Jennifer O'Neil Headshot

Jennifer O'Neil

Associate Professor

Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology
Program Faculty, School of Mathematics and Statistics

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Jennifer O'Neil

Associate Professor

Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology
Program Faculty, School of Mathematics and Statistics


BS, Rochester Institute of Technology; Ph.D., Purdue University


Dr. Jennifer O’Neil joined the Rochester Institute of Technology faculty in August 2016 as an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering Technology. She currently studies the spray formation of non-Newtonian liquids to increase the knowledge of flow physics processes and advance the fundamental understanding of fluid dynamics to improve analyses and designs utilizing these substances. Given the broad application of this work, she has completed numerous projects in the fields of aerospace, automotive, alternative energy, biomedical, and pharmaceutical. Dr. O’Neil's current focus is on pediatric nebulizers.

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Published Conference Proceedings
Jennifer, O'Neil,. "A Hands-on Activity to Assist Students in Making Connections between Topics in Heat Transfer." Proceedings of the ASEE St. Lawrence Section Regional Conference. Ed. ASEE. Rochester, NY: n.p., 2020. Web.
Defoundoux-Fila, Antoinette, et al. "Investigation of Particle Size Distributions from Low-flow Jet Nebulizers." Proceedings of the v. Ed. ICLASS. Chicago, IL: n.p., 2018. Print.
O'Neil, Jennifer, et al. "Is Unaided Active Learning an Effective Teaching Method for those with Learning Disabilities." Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference. Ed. ASEE. Salt Lake City, UT: n.p., 2018. Print.
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Journal Paper
C., Marchetti,, et al. "Faculty Perspectives on Developing Strategies to Improve Access in Diverse Post-Secondary Classrooms." Learning Communities Journal. (2019): 32. Print.
O'Neil, Jennifer. "A Module to Introduce the Entrepreneurial Mindset into Thermodynamics – A Core Mechanical Engineering Course." The Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship 7. 2 (2016): 1-12. Web.
Mallory, Jennifer and Paul Sojka. "On the Primary Atomization of Non- Newtonian Impinging Jets: Volume I Experimental Investigation." Journal of Atomization and Sprays 24. 5 (2014): 431-465. Print.
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Invited Keynote/Presentation
O'Neil, Jennifer A. "Addressing the Complex, Abstract, and Irrelevance in your Course." KEEN National Conference. RIT. Rochester, NY. 4 Jan. 2019. Keynote Speech.
Invited Article/Publication
O\'Neil, Jennifer. "Thermodynamics is fun! (No, really!)." ASEE Prism Magazine. (2018). Print.
Schley, Sara, Carol Marchetti, and Jennifer O'Neil. "Creating an Inclusive Classroom." Inside Higher Ed. (2018). Web.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Students will apply engineering problem solving methods used in industry to complete projects involving engineering topics such as mechanics, circuits, robotics, and thermodynamics. Software tools are used to model their designs, perform design calculations, collect and analyze data. Finally, students will present their work professionally using both written and oral communication software. The goal of the class is to have students become familiar with the many aspects of mechanical engineering through hands on, experiential learning and prepares them to work professionally and effectively in a team setting both in college and in industry.
3 Credits
This course provides an in-depth coverage on the application of the first and second law of thermodynamics and conservation principles, mass and energy, to the analysis of open systems and power cycles, including refrigeration, heat pump and power cycles. It also introduces the fundamentals of heat transfer theory, conduction, radiation, free and forced convection, and its application to heat exchangers including free surface and conduit flow. Case studies based on real-world thermal systems are used to illustrate the connection between these interdisciplinary subjects.
3 Credits
This course covers the theory necessary to understand spray formation and evolution, as well as a host of spray applications. Knowledge of differential equations is required. Topics include drop size distributions, breakup of liquid sheets and ligaments, drop formation and breakup, drop motion and the interaction between a spray and its surroundings, drop evaporation, nozzle internal fluid mechanics, external spray characteristics, nozzle performance, and experimental techniques relevant to these subjects. Applications will include: (1) gas turbine engines, (2) internal combustion engine sprays, (3) sprays for geo-engineering, (4) agricultural sprays, (5) consumer products, (6) paints and coatings, and (7) use of non-traditional liquids in aero-propulsion and other systems. Time spent on each topic depends on student interest. Each student is expected to work on a final project, of their choosing, focused on a topic within the realm of spray theory and application. Students may take and receive credit for MCET-592 or MCET-692, not for both.
1 - 3 Credits
This course allows an upper-class mechanical engineering technology student the opportunity to independently investigate, under faculty supervision, aspects of the mechanical engineering field. Proposals for an independent study must be approved by the sponsoring faculty and the MMET department chair. Students are limited to a maximum of three semester credit hours of independent study projects and two sections in any semester, and a maximum of six semester credit hours of independent study used to fulfill degree requirements.
3 Credits
This course covers the theory necessary to understand spray formation and evolution, as well as a host of spray applications. Knowledge of differential equations is required. Topics include drop size distributions, breakup of liquid sheets and ligaments, drop formation and breakup, drop motion and the interaction between a spray and its surroundings, drop evaporation, nozzle internal fluid mechanics, external spray characteristics, nozzle performance, and experimental techniques relevant to these subjects. Applications will include: (1) gas turbine engines, (2) internal combustion engine sprays, (3) sprays for geo-engineering, (4) agricultural sprays, (5) consumer products, (6) paints and coatings, and (7) use of non-traditional liquids in aero-propulsion and other systems. Time spent on each topic depends on student interest. Each student is expected to work on a final project, of their choosing, focused on a topic within the realm of spray theory and application. A research related topic is preferred, but not required. Students must design an experiment and correlate their results with their developed theoretical model. The project is the prime method for assessing student learning. Students will be asked to demonstrate a deep theoretical understanding of spray formation and applications. Students may take and receive credit for MCET-592 or MCET-692, not for both.
3 Credits
This course provides the MMSI graduate students an opportunity to complete their degree requirements by addressing a practical real-world challenge using the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their studies. This course is not only the culmination of a student's course work but also an indicator of the student's ability to use diverse knowledge to provide a tangible solution to a problem. The capstone project topic can be in the areas of product development, manufacturing automation, management system, quality management or electronics packaging. The course requires a comprehensive project report and a final presentation.
0 Credits
Continuation of Capstone

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