Lucio Salles de Salles Headshot

Lucio Salles de Salles

Assistant Professor

Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management and Safety
College of Engineering Technology

Office Hours
Monday: 12-1 pm; Wednesday: 12-1 pm And by appointment
Office Location
Office Mailing Address
Engineering Technology Hall , Room 82-3131 78 Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester, NY 14623

Lucio Salles de Salles

Assistant Professor

Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management and Safety
College of Engineering Technology


For the past 10 years, Dr. Salles has worked in the field of pavement engineering with special focus on pavement design and performance and on non-destructive pavement evaluation. He conducted research for several U.S. Departments of Transportation, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and other institutions. He earned his Doctorate degree in transportation engineering from the University of Sao Paulo and acted as an assistant professor in two of the top 10 civil engineering programs in Brazil, where he also worked in the paving industry. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management and Safety at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Prior to joining RIT, Dr. Salles was a postdoctoral associate at the University of Pittsburgh. In 2023, he was elected to the Board of Directors of the International Society for Concrete Pavements (ISCP).


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Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Smetana, Mason, et al. "Highway Construction Safety Analysis Using Large Language Models." Applied Sciences 14. 1352 (2024): 0-23. Web.
Salles, Lucio Salles de, Haoran Li, and Lev Khazanovich. "Local High Reliability Calibration of Faulting Model Using Pavement Management Data." Transportation Research Record. (2024): 1-16. Web.
Kosar, Katelyn, et al. "Onsite strength determination for early-opening decision making of high early strength concrete pavement." Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) 10. 2 (2023): 291-303. Web.
Kosar, Katelyn, Lev Khazanovich, and Lucio Salles. "Evaluation of Early Age Concrete Pavement Strength by Combined Nondestructive Tests." Applied Sciences 13. 4 (2023): 2240. Web.
Khazanovich, Lev, Lucio Salles de Salles, and Julie Vandenbossche. "Unbonded Concrete Overlay Critical Stress Prediction for Conventional and Short Width Lanes." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. (2023): 10. Web.
Salles, Lucio Salles de, Katelyn Kosar, and Lev Khazanovich. "Evaluation of Concrete Pavement Performance Model Considering Inherent Bias in Performance Data." Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements 150. 1 (2023): 1-11. Web.

Currently Teaching

4 Credits
Study how forces and moments affect axial, shearing, and bending stresses and deflections of structural members. The relationships between stress and strain, for both axial and torsional loading, are explored. Beams, shafts, and columns are analyzed and designed based on stress and deformation. Combined stress states are analyzed, including using Mohr's circle. Statically indeterminate problems are evaluated. Euler's equations and column design principles are studied and applied.
2 Credits
Study of the basic principles of engineering dynamics. Topics include kinematics of particles, force, mass and acceleration, work and energy, force-impulse and momentum, and an introduction to vibrations and structural dynamics. Applications to practical civil engineering problems are emphasized.
3 Credits
A capstone course in civil engineering technology. This course builds on and integrates the engineering concepts developed in prior course work into the complete design of a major civil engineering project. The course will require a written and an oral presentation of the completed design to include, where appropriate, plans and specifications.

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