Women in Science STEM Career Panel: What can you do with your Science/Math degree?

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wise STEM career panel

WISe STEM Career Panel
What can you do with your Science/Math degree?

Register Here for Zoom Link

Hear from a panel of local STEM professionals working in the field for ideas about your career! Panelists will provide a brief overview about their career, education, and training pathway. An open Q&A will follow.

Life Sciences & Chemistry
Ashley Adair | Embryologist, Hudson Valley Fertility
Shivani Phadke | Associate Scientist, Merck Pharmaceuticals
Abigail Melake | ORISE Fellow, FDA
Christine Yoo | Associate Medical Examiner, Monroe County Medical Examiner’s Office

Physics, Imaging, & Math
Mary Lynn Reed | Head of SMS at RIT and Former Chief at the National Security Agency
Donna Rankin-Parobek | IP Specialist, Simone Center and Innovation Coach, KCOE MSD Guide
Dani Reding | Electrical Control Engineer, McGard Innovative Security Products
Patricia Diute | Principal Lecturer, SMS and Former Kodak Employee

All students are welcome!
To request an interpreter, please visit https://myaccess.rit.edu

Lea Michel
Event Snapshot
When and Where
April 14, 2021
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm
Room/Location: See Zoom Registration Link

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?


co-op and careers
student experience