Print HUB Campus Postal Centers

Our Services


Contact DSP at 585-475-2518

Contact GV at 585-475-3463

Package Pick-up 

Photo ID required when picking up your package 

Students are notified by an automated email from or when a letter or package has been received into our system. Notifications from Amazon, UPS or other carriers should not be used as notice that a package is available for pick up.

As of August 28th, 2023 the post office will no longer permit individuals other than the addressee to pick up packages on their behalf.
We understand that this change may inconvenience some members of our campus community, but it has been implemented to ensure the security and privacy of all package recipients. With the increasing volume of packages and to prevent any potential misdeliveries or mishandlings, we believe this new policy will enhance the overall package management process.
Moving forward, anyone who receives a package notification must present a valid ID. We have extended hours on Wednesdays and Thursdays as well as Saturday hours, to allow students more opportunities to pick up their mail and packages.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to this new policy. Our main priority is to provide a safe and efficient package handling experience for everyone on campus.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy update, please do not hesitate to reach out to our campus post office staff and they will be happy to assist you.
Thank you for your attention to this matter and we look forward to serving you with our improved package handling process.

Send packages via USPS or UPS. Our dedicated team will help you decide best method of shipment based on your needs.

Purchase stamps, envelopes, padded envelopes & pick up free USPS and UPS mailing/shipping envelopes and boxes.


International Shipping 

We can ship internationally via USPS and UPS only. Please see information below for details.

Info for Students Living on Campus

Receiving Mail

  • We receive & sign for all letters & packages
  • When we process your mail, you will be notified via email stating it’s ready to be picked up
  • Please bring your RIT ID when you pick up


Notice Regarding Designated Pick Up

As of August 28th, 2023 the post office will no longer permit individuals other than the addressee to pick up packages on their behalf. We understand that this change may inconvenience some members of our campus community, but it has been implemented to ensure the security and privacy of all package recipients. With the increasing volume of packages and to prevent any potential misdeliveries or mishandlings, we believe this new policy will enhance the overall package management process. Moving forward, anyone who receives a package notification must present a valid ID. We have extended hours on Wednesdays and Thursdays as well as Saturday hours, to allow students more opportunities to pick up their mail and packages. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to this new policy. Our main priority is to provide a safe and efficient package handling experience for everyone on campus. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy update, please do not hesitate to reach out to our campus post office staff and they will be happy to assist you. Thank you for your attention to this matter and we look forward to serving you with our improved package handling process.

Notice Regarding Temperature Controlled Packages

We do not recommend shipping anything that needs to be temperature controlled. We are unable to guarantee continuous temperature control.

Notice Regarding Food Delivery Service

The campus post offices are not able to receive food deliveries for students. This includes services like Door Dash, UberEats and InstaCart.

If you use this type of service, you should treat it like a pizza delivery and arrange to meet the delivery person outside of your dorm or apartment building.

Address Format

Post Office (dorm side)

Format - Residence Halls

Your Name
Building, Room #
43 Greenleaf Court
Rochester NY 14623

Example - Residence Halls

Your Name
Peterson 1234
43 Greenleaf Court
Rochester NY 14623

Format - Perkins Green

Your Name
Perkins Green Apartment #
43 Greenleaf Court
Rochester NY 14623

Example - Perkins Green

Your Name
PG 133-C
43 Greenleaf Court
Rochester NY 14623
Global Village Post Office (west side)
Format - Global Village
Your Name
GV Building # Room #
6000 Reynolds Dr
Rochester NY 14623
Example - Global Village
Your Name
GV 400 1020
6000 Reynolds Dr
Rochester NY 14623
Format - Greek Houses
Your Name
House Room #
6000 Reynolds Dr
Rochester NY 14623
Example - Greek Houses
Your Name
ASA 6011
6000 Reynolds Dr
Rochester NY 14623
Format - Riverknoll
Your Name
RK Apartment #
6000 Reynolds Dr
Rochester NY 14623
Example - Riverknoll
Your Name
RK 123
6000 Reynolds Dr
Rochester NY 14623
Format - University Commons
Your Name
UC Apartment #
6000 Reynolds Dr
Rochester NY 14623
Example - University Commons
Your Name
UC 123
6000 Reynolds Dr
Rochester NY 14623
Notice for Students Living at the RIT Inn and 175 Jefferson Road

Your mail is sent directly to the respective location where it is processed. If you have questions regarding your mail, please contact the front desk.

Below is the address you will use:

Your Name
5257 W Henrietta Rd
Henrietta NY 14467

175 Jefferson

Your Name
175 Jefferson Rd
Rochester NY 14623

Move In

  • We will begin holding packages starting August 1st.
  • Bring prescription medication when coming to campus to ensure availability as needed
  • Contact a local pharmacy to setup fulfillment of your medications
    • We do not have a way to differentiate these items from normal packages and do not have a way to prioritize them

DSP and Global Village Post Offices receive up to 1000 packages a day for approximately 6 weeks. We will do our best to process packages quickly, but due to high volumes it may take longer than usual for your package to be processed.

Prescription medication questions should be directed to Becky Wilson,, or the general health center email, Thank you for your understanding; we appreciate your patience during this very busy time


Move Out

Please note, the following information is for forwarding through RIT and not USPS.

  • Go to, login and go to the post office forwarding form page
  • Your mail will be forwarded to the provided address for the next six months
  • Please adjust your address information with the various companies you receive letters & packages from within that period
  • Only USPS mail is eligible for free forwarding
  • If your package arrived via a different carrier, please call us in order to pay for a new shipping label.

Shipping Services

  • Domestic & International Services through USPS
    • We offer all the same mailing and shipping options as USPS except registered mail
    • We do not process passports
    • Daily pick up by USPS is 3PM
  • Domestic & International Services through UPS
    • We offer all UPS options except freight
    • Daily pick up by UPS is 2PM
  • Letter envelopes, padded envelopes, boxes & other shipping supplies available
  • Drop off location for prepaid packages


In order to insure your package make sure you:

  • Have at least 2” of bubble wrap surrounding the item
  • Use a new box to ship
  • Follow these guidelines from UPS and USPS

If the package doesn’t meet these requirements, they will not pay out the insured amount should something happen.

Resources for International Shipping

Please note, each country has its own shipping regulations that may differ from domestic shipping regulations. Any domestic restriction still applies to international shipments even if the restriction isn’t listed for the country. Also of note, if you use their calculator for pricing, generally, our prices will differ to your benefit.

The following links will provide essential information:

When checking country regulations the most important tabs for you to check are:

  • Commodity specific stipulations
  • Prohibited or restricted commodities
  • Special clearance requirements

Accepted Forms of Payment

  • Cash
  • Visa & Master Card 
  • Apple Pay
  • Tiger Bucks
  • Check
  • RIT Departments: chargeback using their account number

HUB Global Village

HUB Fredericka Douglass Sprague Perry Hall (DSP)

Located in the lower level of Fredericka Douglass Sprague Perry Hall (DSP), across from the Corner Store

Campus Post Office Hours

DSP & GV Post Office SPRING BREAK Open Hours

March 10 - 13 - Open Hours - 9:00-4:00 (Package Pick Up) - 9:00-3:30 (Outgoing shipping)


Shipping window closed for lunch Monday - Friday: DSP 12:30-1:00 - GV 1:00-1:30