Risk Management & Insurance

Our Service

RIT's risk management goals are to have the highest possible concern for the safety of its students, faculty, staff and public in combination with maximum protection to prevent financial loss of institutional property. Each member of the university community is charged with a responsibility of reviewing his/her own activity with these risk management goals in mind, and whenever they appear to be in jeopardy, reporting it to management.

University Guidelines

The risk management process involves identifying areas of risk/liability and recommending to management means for eliminating, mitigating, transferring or retaining them. Each member of the RIT community is charged with a responsibility of reviewing his/her own activities. The office of Risk Management & Insurance will help to facilitate this process. For detailed information, click one of the risk topics below. For additional information, contact David Armanini at 585-475-2040.

Looking to serve alcohol at your event? Please fill out a registration form with all necessary information and someone will reach out to you. 

If you intend to fly an Unmanned Aircraft Systyem ("UAS" or "drone"), you must comply with all Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules.  Drones flown by RIT employees (faculty and staff) for research, academic or marketing purposes fall under the business rules which require a Pilot in Command who holds a Remote Pilot Certificate. The pilot must fly under Part 107 Rules and obtain prior approval from their Dean or Division Vice President. RIT prohibits the take-off or landing of drones on RIT property for recreational purposes. Please contact Melinda Ward (phone (585) 475-6135) regarding insurance and safety requirements.

Additional Resources:

FAA Safety Guidelines for Recreational Users

Drone Registration - FAA DroneZone

AirMap - Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC) system flight authorization mobile tool

January 29, 2016

Notice Regarding Hoverboards:

Due to the recent safety concerns associated with self-balancing scooters, more popularly known as hoverboards, RIT is temporarily prohibiting these devices on our campus, until further notice.

The rationale for this decision is based on the safety concerns from numerous instances of hoverboards spontaneously catching fire causing both personal injury and property damage. While these devices are fun and a convenient mode of transportation, the safety of our community takes precedence.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission is currently investigating these issues and once their review is complete, RIT will revisit the status of this temporary ban. If you have specific questions regarding the safety concerns of hoverboards please feel free to contact John Zink, Associate Vice President at jgzrmss@rit.edu.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Sandra (Sandy) Johnson Ed.D
Senior Vice President for Student Affairs

Many departments on campus sponsor programs involving minors such as internships, school visits and summer camps. Please read more about how RIT protects Minors on Campus

Looking to plan a trip? Please review our Travel and Trip Guidelines for more details

Student Insurance

RIT values the health and financial well-being of its student community. We encourage you to take the following steps to review your current insurance and consider the RIT student plan options to supplement your coverage or fill gaps:

2024 - 2025 Letter to Students

Please note the open enrollment deadlines for RIT's Student Plan are identified below (New students for the spring semester have a separate enrollment period). Students who do not enroll during this open enrollment period may not enroll until the following academic year, unless the student has a qualifying live event:

  • Reaching the age limit of another health insurance plan;
  • Loss of health insurance through marriage or divorce; or
  • Involuntary loss of coverage from another health insurance plan.

1. Call your Health Insurance

Call your health insurance company to determine exactly what coverage you have in the Rochester area.

  • Most plans from outside of the Rochester area, including state exchange plans and Medicaid/Medicare, will only provide limited out-of-network coverage.
  • Your ability to find providers and obtain reimbursement for health care expenses may be very limited.
  • RIT expects all students to have health insurance.
  • RIT offers a robust PPO student health insurance plan through Aetna Student Health.

Term Annual
(08/15/2024 - 8/14/2025)
Fall (Int'l students only)
(08/15/2024 - 12/31/2024)
Spring / Summer (new students and dependents of new students)
(01/01/2025 - 08/14/2025)
Enrollment/Waiver Deadline   September 30, 2024 September 30, 2024 February 28, 2025
Student $2,677 $1,019 $1,658
Spouse $2,677 $1,019 $1,658
Child $2,677 $1,019 $1,658
2+ Children $5,354 $2,038 $3,316


  • The plan offers an expansive provider network across the US and out-of-network benefits are available when traveling abroad.
  • Enrollment in the RIT group plan is fully voluntary for domestic (US citizens) students.
  • International Students (except those on H1b visas) will automatically be enrolled in and billed for the plan each semester. International students who have comparable ACA-compliant coverage may submit a waiver form here.  Short-term and travel plans are not comparable coverage.

2. Personal Property Coverage

Evaluate your personal property coverage.

  • RIT is not responsible for students’ personal property.
  • Coverage may be available on a parent/guardian’s homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy (often referred to as personal property off premises), but deductibles can be high.
  • RIT offers a broad personal property insurance plan that is very reasonably priced with low deductible options. Check out AJ Gallagher's website for more info.

3. Dental Insurance

Consider dental insurance through an Excellus dental plan for services in the Rochester area. Basic and Premier options are available.

4. Tuition Refund Insurance

Evaluate your need for tuition refund insurance in case of an unexpected withdrawal from classes due to an illness or accident. Learn more at GradGuard.com/Tuition/RIT or by calling 1-866-724-4384.

5. Other Student Insurance Options

Explore the links below for more information about the RIT student insurance policies:

6. Still Have Questions?

Please contact the RIT Service Center.

By Phone


Online Chat/Portal
