Billing and Payment Options

Billing & Payments
- RIT/
- Student Financial Services/
- Billing & Payments
All charges from the university (tuition, room, board, fees, insurance, etc) are billed on or about the first of the month.
Email Statements
All billing information is sent via email to students and up to three authorized payers. The university does not mail paper bills.
Billing Schedule
Bills are due the 15th of the month.
Late Fees
Late payment fees will be assessed on accounts which are past due as of each billing due date as follows:
Past Due Amount | Late Payment Fee |
$200.00 - $500.00 | $25.00 |
$500.01 - $1,500.00 | $50.00 |
Over $1,500.00 | $75.00 |
Payment Options
Bills can be paid by eCheck/ACH, check, credit card, or international fund wire transfer.
eCheck/ACH payments are processed through Nelnet Business Solutions directly in eServices. The eCheck/ACH payment processing service continues to be free of cost for our students and families.
Credit Card Payments
A credit card can only be used online through Nelnet Business Solutions directly in eServices. Nelnet Business Solutions accepts Visa, Discover, and MasterCard. If you use a credit card to pay your bill, you will be charged a 2.8% service fee by the vendor.
International Fund Wire Transfer
Wire transfers may be made for international payments, only. RIT offers Flywire to streamline the tuition payment process for our international students. With Flywire, you are offered reduced foreign exchange rates, allowing you to pay in your home currency (in most cases) and save compared to traditional banks. Excess funds from wire transfers will be returned to the original wire account or left on the student account to be applied to future charges.
Students from China: Flywire provides an alternate site for your convenience.
Please make checks payable to RIT and include your University ID number in the memo line. There is a $20.00 fee for any check returned to us by our depositing bank. Mail checks to:
Student Financial Services
Rochester Institute of Technology
25 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623
Installment Payment Plan
RIT offers an installment payment plan designed to help you manage college expenses. Instead of paying your bill all at once, you are able to pay in installments. Installment plans are offered on a per semester basis with an additional charge of $42 that is added to the student account. The installment amounts are calculated based on the balance reflected on the student account at the time of the request plus the fee, divided over the total months remaining in the term.
Students and authorized users can enroll in the payment plan each semester once the term's bill has been generated. To enroll:
- Log in to eServices
- Click Financial Services on the left-side menu
- Click Payment Plans and select Enroll
After enrolling in the payment plan, you can set up scheduled monthly payments if you wish. To do so:
- Log into eServices
- Select the Schedule an eCheck or Credit Card Payment option
You will be directed to our Payment Processer, NelNet, to complete your scheduled payments. Please note: a change to your installment amount does not automatically update your scheduled payments.
Installment Plan Due Dates
All billings are generated on or about the first of the month.
Fall Semester Due Dates:
August 15
September 15
October 15
November 15
Spring Semester Due Dates:
January 15
February 15
March 15
April 15
Installment Payment Plan FAQs
After enrolling in the payment plan, you can log in monthly to make your payments or set up scheduled monthly payments if you wish. To do so:
- Log into eServices
- Select the Schedule an eCheck or Credit Card Payment option
You will be directed to our Payment Processer, NelNet, to complete your scheduled payments. Please note: a change to your installment amount does not automatically update your scheduled payments.
Your statement will not update until the next scheduled billing date. You will receive a confirmation of the amount due once the request for a payment plan has been processed. You can also review the installment calculated amounts on eServices under the Account Balance tab. For example – if you are on a 4 month installment plan you will see your installment breakdown once your confirmation of the plan is sent from Student Financial Services. This example shows the installment calculated for $1938.75/month.
Payment plans are reviewed and updated prior to the next scheduled billing. You can contact Student Financial Services to verify the status of a change and to confirm the amount due each month. Email
When changes are posted to a student account, the payment plan often needs to be updated. When the update is made, the plan is re-calculated for the month’s remaining on the plan. At this time, the original plan is cancelled and the fee is credited. Then, a new plan is set up and the fee is re-assessed. You can verify this on eServices using the Term Activity Document. The payment plan reflects a total due of $42.00.
Yes. Please contact Student Financial Services after the down payment is reflected on the student account. The office will then modify your plan for the reduced balance. Email
Yes, you do need to enroll each term.
Tuition Prepayment Plan
The Tuition Prepayment Plan is a prepaid plan that guarantees no tuition increase for either four, six or eight semesters of undergraduate academic enrollment at RIT. The plan is available to matriculated full-time undergraduate students who are not receiving any form of need-based, RIT administered grant; students receiving only merit-based scholarships from RIT or local organizations are eligible to participate. RIT merit-based scholarships include: Alumni Referral Award, Career Pathways, Computing Medal, FIRST Robotics, Founders, Innovation & Creativity, National Merit/NMSC Recognition Award, National Recognition, Performing Arts, Phi Theta Kappa, Project Lead the Way, Presidential, Recognition, Tiger Pride Award and Trustee.
As a means of stabilizing tuition expenses, RIT will accept a prepayment from participants which will cover up to 18 credit hours per semester of undergraduate tuition charges for the duration of the option selected. The plan must always begin with a fall academic term. Other institutional charges, such as room and board, applicable student fees, tuition overload charges and incremental tuition (above the standard RIT tuition rates) and program fees related to Study Abroad Programs are not covered under this agreement.
If you are interested, it is recommended that you consult your financial planner/tax advisor.
Student Sponsored Billing
The Office of Student Financial Services coordinates with many organizations for our Third Party Billing programs and deferments. A sponsored student is one whose education is funded (either in full or part) directly by a third party, called a sponsor.
In a third party billing arrangement, the sponsor will provide a written confirmation detailing what charges they will cover, along with the contact information for who is to be invoiced. It is the obligation of the student to pay any charges not covered by the sponsor by the original due date.