B.H., Lapizco-Encinas, and N. Hill. "Continuous Flow Separation of Particles with Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis Chromatography." Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. (2020): 1-12. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas, et al. "Rapid Escherichia coli (E. coli) Trapping and Retrieval from Bodily Fluids via a Three-Dimensional (3D) Microbeads Stacked Nano-Device." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. (2020): 1-12. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas,, B. H. "Microscale Electrokinetic Assessments of Proteins Employing Insulating Structures." Curr. Opin. Chem. Eng. 29. (2020): 9-16. Web.
Quevedo, D. F., et al. "Electrokinetic Characterization of Synthetic Protein Nanoparticles." Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 11. (2020): 1556–1567. Web.
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Peña, A. Coll De, et al. "Creation of an Electrokinetic Characterization Library for the Detection and Identification of Biological Cells." Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 412. (2020): 3935–3945. Web.
Peña, A. Coll De, N. Hill, and B. H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Determination of the Empirical Electrokinetic Equilibrium Condition of Microorganisms in Microfluidic Devices." Biosensors 10. (2020): 148. Web.
Korensky, G., et al. "Single Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii Cell Separation from Bacterial Cells and Auto-fluorescence Tracking with a Nanosieve Device." Electrophoresis, DOI: 10.1002/elps.202000146. (2020): 1-10. Web.
Hill, N. and B. H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Continuous Flow Separation of Particles with Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis Chromatography." Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 412. (2020): 3891–3902. Web.
Lapizco-Encinas, B. H. and H. Wätzig. "Editorial: ITP and AES Conferences 2019." Electrophoresis 41. (2020): 1825-1825. Web.
Cardenas-Benitez, B., et al. "Direct Current Electrokinetic Particle Trapping in Insulator-Based Microfluidics: Theory and Experiments." Anal. Chem. 92. (2020): 12871–12879. Web.
Hakim, K. S. and B. H. Lapizco‐Encinas. "Analysis of Microorganisms with Nonlinear Electrokinetic Microsystems." Electrophoresis DOI: 10.1002/elps.20200023. (2020): 1-10. Web.
Chen, X., et al. "Rapid Escherichia coli Trapping and Retrieval from Bodily Fluids via a Three-Dimensional Bead-Stacked Nanodevice." ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12. (2020): 7888–7896. Web.
Lapizco‐Encinas, B. H. and H. Wätzig. "Focus on Reviews 2020." Electrophoresis 41. (2020): 9-9. Web.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, et al. "Material-selective Separation of Mixed Microparticles via Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis." Biomicrofluidics 13. 6 (2019): 64112. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, Lentz, C.J., and Hidalgo-Caballero, S. "Low Frequency Cyclical Potentials for Fine Tuning Insulator-based Dielectrophoretic Separations." Biomicrofluidics 13. 4 (2019): 44114. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas, and Hill, N. "On the Use of Correction Factors for the Mathematical Modeling of Insulator Based Dielectrophoretic Devices." Electrophoresis 40. 18-19 (2019): 2541-2552. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, et al. "Analysis of Bacteriophages with Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis." Micromachines 10. 7 (2019): 450. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, et al. "Joule Heating Effects in Optimized Insulator-based Dielectrophoretic Devices: An Interplay Between Post Geometry and Temperature Rise." Electrophoresis 40. 10 (2019): 1408-1416. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,. "On the Recent Developments of Insulator Based Dielectrophoresis: A Review." Electrophoresis 40. 3 (2019): 358-375. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, Lentz, C.J., and Hidalgo-Caballero, S. "Assessment of Submicron Particle Zeta Potential in Simple Electrokinetic Microdevices." Electrophoresis 40. 10 (2019): 1395-1399. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,. "Editorial: Dielectrophoresis 2019." Electrophoresis 40. 10 (2019): 1385-1386. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,. "Watzig, H. Editorial: The Next Forty Years of Electrophoresis." Electrophoresis 40. 2 (2019): 225-225. Print.
H., Mukaibo,, et al. "Ultrathin nanoporous membranes for insulator-based dielectrophoresis (iDEP)." Nanotechnology 29. 23 (2018): 235704. Print.
V., Perez-Gonzalez,, et al. "A simple approach to reducing particle trapping voltage in insulator-based dielectrophoretic systems." Analytical Chemistry 90. 7 (2018): 4310-4315. Print.
D., Polniak, et al. "Separating large microscale particles by exploiting charge differences with dielectrophoresis." Journal of Chromatography A 1545. (2018): 84-92. Print.
Flanagan, L.A., F.H. Labeed, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Focus on AES Annual Meeting 2016." Electrophoresis 38. 20 (2017): 2553-2553. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. and Z. El Rassi. "Electro"and Liquid Phase"Separations (ITP 2016)." Electrophoresis 38. 12 (2017): 1537-1537. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Dielectrophoresis 2017." Electrophoresis 38. 11 (2017): 1405-1406. Print.
Saucedo-Espinosa, M.A. and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Exploiting Particle Mutual Interactions To Enable Challenging Dielectrophoretic Processes." Analytical Chemistry 89. 16 (2017): 8459-8467. Print.
Romero-Creel, M.F., et al. "Assessment of Sub-Micron Particles By Exploiting Charge Differences with Dielectrophoresis." Micromachines 8. 8 (2017): 239-253. Web.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Refinement of Current Monitoring Methodology for Electroosmotic Flow Assessment Under Low Ionic Strength Conditions." Biomicrofluidics 10. 3 (2016): 33104. Web.
Saucedo-Espinosa,, Mario A., et al. "Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Particle Mixtures Employing Asymmetric Insulating Posts." Electrophoresis 37. 2 (2016): 282-290. Print.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A., et al. "Polarization Behavior of Polystyrene Particles Under Direct Current and Low Frequency (<1 kHz) Electric Fields in Dielectrophoretic Systems." Electrophoresis 37. 4 (2016): 635-644. Web.
Lapizco-Encinas, Blanca H. and Mark A. Hayes. "Editorial: 2014 AES Annual Meeting, Electrophoresis." Electrophoresis 36. 15 (2015): 1665-1665. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, Blanca H. "Dielectrophoresis 2015." Electrophoresis 36. 13 (2015): 1385-1385. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, Blanca H. and Mark A. Hayes. "Editorial: Focus on the London Dielectrophoresis 2014 Meeting." Electrophoresis 36. 9-10 (2015): 1083-1083. Print.
Alexandra, LaLonde, et al. "Isolation and Enrichment of Low Abundant Particles with Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis." Biomicrofluidics, 9(6): 9. 6 (2015): 64113. Web.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A., et al. "Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Particle Mixtures Employing Asymmetric Insulating Posts." Electrophoresis. (2015): In press. Print.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario. A., et al. "Polarization Behavior of Polystyrene Particles Under Direct Current and Low-frequency (<1 kHz) Electric Fields in Dielectrophoretic Systems." Electrophoresis. (2015): In press. Print.
Lalonde, Alexandra, Maria F. Romero-Creel, and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Assessment of Cell Viability after Manipulation with Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis." Electrophoresis 36. 13 (2015): 1479-1484. Print.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Design of Insulator-based Dielectrophoretic Devices: Effect of Insulator Posts Characteristics." Journal of Chromatography A 1422. (2015): 1479-1484. Print.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Experimental and Theoretical Study of Dielectrophoretic Particle Trapping in Arrays of Insulating Structures: Effect of Particle Size and Shape." Elecrophoresis 36. 9-10 (2015): 1086-1097. Print.
Saucedo-Espinosa, M.A. and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Experimental and Theoretical Study of Dielectrophoretic Particle Trapping in Arrays of Insulating Structures: Effect of Particle Size and Shape." Electrophoresis. (2014): 1-13. Print.
LaLonde, A., et al. "Effect of Insulating Posts Geometry on Particle Manipulation in Insulator Based Dielectrophoretic Devices." Journal of Chromatography A 1344. (2014): 99-108. Print.
Gencoglu, A., et al. "Dynamic Microparticle Manipulation With an Electroosmotic Flow Gradient with Low Frequency Alternating Current Dielectrophoresis." Electrophoresis 35. 2-3 (2014): 362-373. Print.
Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., et al. "Joule Heating Effects on Particle Immobilization in Insulator-Based Dielectrophoretic Devices." Electrophoresis 35. 2-3 (2014): 352-361. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. and R.V. Davalos. "Editorial: 2013 AES Annual Meeting." Electrophoresis 35. 12-13 (2014): 1767. Print.
LaLonde, A., M.F. Romero-Creel, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Assessment of Cell Viability after Manipulation with Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis." Electrophoresis. (2014): 1-5. Print.
Fuente, M.S. Lopez-de la, et al. "An Electric Stimulation System for Electrokinetic Particle Manipulation in Micro-fluidic Devices." Review of Scientific Instruments 84. 3 (2013): 035103-035107. Print.
Rosales-Cruzaley, E., et al. "Spermatogenic Cells Manipulation Employing Dielectrophoresis, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering." Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 36. 10 (2013): 1353-1362. Print.
Sano, M.B., et al. "Simultaneous Electrokinetic Flow and Dielectrophoretic Trapping using Perpendicular Static and Dynamic Electric Fields." Microfluidics & Nanofluidics 15. 5 (2013): 599-609. Print.
Gencoglu, A., et al. "Particle Manipulation In Insulator Based Dielectrophoretic Devices." Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine 4. 2 (2013): 021002.1-7. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Editorial: Dielectrophoresis 2013." Electrophoresis 34. 7 (2013): 951-951. Print.
Gallo-Villanueva, R.C. and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Dielectrophoresis, a Microscale Technique." CIENCIA ergo-sum 20. 3 (2013): 227-230. Print.
S�sol-Fernandez, R.E., et al. "Cell Assesment in Microfluidic Devices." Revista Mexicana de Ingenieria Quimica 11. 2 (2012): 227-248. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. and V.M. Ugaz. "Special Issue: Focus Issue on 2011 AES Annual Meeting." Electrophoresis 33. 13 (2012): 1923-1923. Print.