Craig Foster
Assistant Professor
School of Art
College of Art and Design
Office Location
Craig Foster
Assistant Professor
School of Art
College of Art and Design
BFA, University of Michigan; MS, Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
Areas of Expertise
Medical Illustration
Biomedical Communications
Scientific Visualization
Select Scholarship
Invited Article/Publication
Foster, Craig. "Eladocagene exuparvovec in AADC deficiency." Molecular Therapy. (2022). Print.
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Foster, Craig and Jesse O'brien. "VRm: A Virtual Reality Tool for Anatomical Study." Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH 2022, Vancouver BC, Aug. 8-11. Ed. Jessica Flack. Vancouver, Canada: ACM Digital Library.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Foster, Craig and Jesse O'brien. "Exploring the Use of VR to Improve Learning Outcomes for Complex Anatomical Subject Matter." AMI 2022. Association of Medical Illustrators. Des Moines, Iowa. 23 Jul. 2022. Conference Presentation.
Currently Teaching
Medical Illustration Internship
1 - 6 Credits
The medical illustration internship will provide students with the option to work with practicing professionals in a business or educational environment. Students may apply for internships to businesses and educational institutions based on the availability of positions and company needs. Students must obtain permission of an instructor and complete the Internship Permission Form to enroll.
3D Animation of Organic Forms
3 Credits
This course explores animating biomedical subjects and processes in their native environment to create illustrations. Students will be asked to research and create illustrations that animate their findings. Frame by frame animation, blend shapes, non-linear deformers and “rigging” systems will be introduced to permit students to choose the most effective method for creating motion and transformation.
Surgical Illustration
3 Credits
Students observe live surgical procedures and translate their sketches into finished illustrations that are used in medical training, patient education, and litigation. Demonstrations of sketching and rendering techniques are supplemented with lectures on general surgical principles and common procedures.
Medical Illustration Independent Study
1 - 6 Credits
Medical Illustration Independent Study will provide students with the ability to study in a specialized area with an individual faculty member. Students, with the assistance of a faculty adviser will propose a course of study. Medical Illustration Independent Study students must obtain permission of an instructor and complete the Independent Study Permission Form to enroll.
3D Animation of Biomedical Forms
3 Credits
This course explores animating biomedical subjects and processes. Students will be asked to research contemporary theory defining their subjects' anatomy and create animations consistent with their findings. Frame by frame animation, blend shapes, non-linear deformers, and rigging systems will be introduced to permit students to choose the most effective method for creating motion and transformation.
Interactive Media I
3 Credits
This course is an introduction to two dimensional computer illustration, animation, and interactive media as they apply to contemporary methods of instruction in medicine and allied health. Students will research a current topic in health care and develop interactive lessons that match the instructional objectives of their topic. Students will organize these lessons as a web site.
Interactive Media II
3 Credits
This course continues the development of student web sites designed for allied health instruction. Advanced topics in two dimensional computer illustration, animation, and interactive media will be presented. Students will research current topics in health care and continue the development of the interactive lesson begun in the previous class.
Medical and Scientific Animation
3 Credits
Students will work with 2 dimensional, 3 dimensional and editing software in order to develop a complete animation on the topic of their choice.