Pamela Kincheloe Headshot

Pamela Kincheloe

University Writing Program Director

University Writing Program, School of Individualized Study
Academic Affairs
Professor, National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Office Hours
MWF 10-4

Pamela Kincheloe

University Writing Program Director

University Writing Program, School of Individualized Study
Academic Affairs
Professor, National Technical Institute for the Deaf


BA, Rollins College; MA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University


Among Dr. Kincheloe's varied interests are the fields of disability theory, deaf literature, representations of deafness in film and visual media, and cyborg theory. She currently teaches first year writing, Deaf Literature, Science Technology and Values, and other courses for RIT and NTID. She is also a freelance painter and illustrator.

Select Scholarship

Recent Online Publications

“The New A Quiet Place: Day One”, Features. February 12 2024.

Forthcoming Chapter in Anthology/Book 

 Co-authored with Jose Raimundo Rodruigues and Marianne Rosi Stumpf.  Conhecer Gallaudet University e Desixar-se Impulstionar por Seus Multiplos Acervos.  2024. 

Recent Conference Presentations

Co-Presenter (with Barbi Clifton) "AI, Human Nature, and Culture," Thoughts on Bots: Composition and Creative Pedagogy in the Age of AI Conference.  Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ. October 26-27, 2023.

"Signs and Wonders." Modern Language Association Conference. Washington, DC. 7 Jan. 2022. 

Recent Published Review

Kincheloe, Pamela J. "Book." Rev. of Hearing Happiness, ed. Michael Skyer. American Annals of the Deaf 2020: 589-593. Print. *

Manuscripts Under Review

Book Manuscript: Hollywood Signs: The Use of Deafness in American Visual Culture 15 Dec. 2021. Oxford University Press, Norman Hirschy, ed.

 Journal Article: “Are You Death? Deafening the Horror Film.” Submitted to Journal of Popular Culture.

 Journal Article: “The Kids From Nebraska: ASL as Spectacle at the 1904 World’s Fair” submitted to Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture

Journal Article: “My Life in the Hyphen” submitted to Narrative Magazine.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
The major focus of this course is on the image of the deaf and the deaf experience as depicted in literature. The course attempts to define deafness and the cultural roles it plays in both texts by deaf authors and texts about deaf persons, as well as to examine particular literary forms related to the deaf experience. Thus, attention is also given to studying ASL poetry.
3 Credits
Science Technology and Values explores the concepts and effects of science and technology on society, and analyzes the relationship between science and technology, asking questions such as: How each has come to play a major role today, and how have science and technology affected and been affected by human values, despite longstanding assumptions that science and technology are value-free? Environmental aspects of science and technology will also be examined from interdisciplinary perspectives. Key themes include the practical and theoretical relationships between science, technology, and power.