Xiao Wang Headshot

Xiao Wang


School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts
Program Director, Communication MS

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Xiao Wang


School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts
Program Director, Communication MS


BA, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (China); MA, Marquette University; Ph.D., Florida State University


Dr. Wang primarily teaches public relations in the School of Communication. His research focuses on health campaign design, social media/big data, and intercultural communication. Dr. Wang examines the role of attitudes and emotions in guiding one’s intentions to perform social and health behaviors (e.g., expressing support for a social cause or donation). He is also interested in how cultural differences influence one’s communication behaviors or acceptance of persuasive messages. Dr. Wang's research has been published in several top-tier journals in the field of communication, including Communication Research, Health Communication, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, and New Media and Society.

Dr. Wang is currently working on a number of projects related to big data and social network analysis in strategic and health communication.

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Wang, Xiao, Yang Yu, and Lin Lin. "Tweeting the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21): An analysis of the social network and factors determining the network influence." Online Social Networks and Media 15. (2020): 1-11. Print.
Wang, Xiao. "From a terror management perspective: The efficacy of self-affirmation on organ donation-related thoughts and intentions." Journal of Social Psychology 160. 5 (2020): 644-657. Print.
Wang, Xiao. "Predictors of organ donation-related cognitions and intentions in China: communication variables and cultural values." Communication Quarterly 68. 4 (2020): 438-456. Print.
Wang, Xiao. "The Role of Personal Experience, Media Exposure, and Trust in Scientists and Media in Americans’ Perceptions of Personal and Impersonal Risks Related to Global Warming." International Journal of Global Warming 16. (2018): 320-336. Print.
Wang, Xiao. "The Role of Future Orientation, Cultural Worldviews, Attitudinal Motivations, and Collective Efficacy in Predicting Policy Support to Alleviate Global Warming." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 30. (2018): 493-503. Print.
Wang, Xiao. "Responses to HIV Public Service Announcements: The Mediating Role of Attitude Toward the ad and Identification with the Spokesperson." Intercultural Communication Studies 27. (2018): 114-124. Print.
Wang, Xiao and Lin Lin. "How Climate Change Risk Perceptions are Related to Moral Judgment and Guilt in China." Climate Risk Management 20. (2018): 155-164. Print.
Wang, Xiao and Xiaoquan Zhao. "The Mediating Role of Temporal Considerations on the Effects of Self-affirmation on Audience Responses to Organ Donation Messages." Health Communication 33. (2018): 148-155. Print.
Wang, Xiao. "The Role of Attitude Functions and Collective Efficacy in Chinese Consumers’ Intentions to Engage in Behaviors to Alleviate Global Warming." Journal of Social Psychology 158. (2018): 51-63. Print.
Wang, Xiao and Lin Lin. "The Relationships Among Actual Weather Events, Perceived Unusual Weather, Media use, and Global Warming Belief Certainty in China." Weather, Climate, and Society 10. (2018): 137-144. Print.
Wang, Xiao and Andrea Hickerson. "The Role of Self-Affirmation and User Status in Readers' Response to Identity-Threatening News." Communication Research. (2016): 1045-1064. Print.
Wang, Xiao. "To Communicate or Not to Communicate: Factors Predicting Passengers’ Intentions to Ask a Driver to Stop Text Messaging While Driving." Health Communication 31. 5 (2016): 617-625. Print.
Wang, Xiao. "Excelling in multitasking and enjoying the distraction: Predicting intentions to read and send text messages while driving." Computers in Human Behavior 64. (2016): 584-590. Print.
Wang, Xiao and Andrea Hickerson. "The Role of Presumed Influence and Emotions in Audience Evaluation of the Credibility of Media Content and Behavioral Tendencies." Journal of Creative Communications 11. 1 (2016): 1-16. Print.
Wang, Xiao. "The Role of Attitude Functions, Efficacy, Anticipated Emotions, and Relationship Status on College Students' Condom Use Intentions." Journal of Sex Research 50. (2013): 704-714. Print.
Wang, Xiao. "Negotiating Safer Sex: A Detailed Analysis of Attitude Functions, Anticipated Emotions, Relationship Status, and Gender." Psychology and Health 28. (2013): 800-817. Print.
Wang, Xiao. "Applying the Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction and Attitude Functions in the Context of Social Media Use while Viewing Mediated Sports." Computers in Human Behavior 29. (2013): 1538-1545. Print.
Wang, Xiao. "The Role of Anticipated Guilt in Intentions to Register as Organ Donors and to Discuss Organ Donation with Family." Health Communication 26. 8 (2011): 683-690. Print.
Wang, Xiao and Steven R. McClung. "Toward a Detailed Understanding of Illegal Digital Downloading Intentions: An Extended Theory of Planned Behavior Approach." New Media and Society 13. 4 (2011): 663-677. Print.
Wang, Xiao. "The Role of Anticipated Negative Emotions and Past Behavior in Individuals' Physical Activity Intentions and Behaviors." Psychology of Sport and Exercise 12. 3 (2011): 300-305. Print.
Invited Article/Publication
Wang, Xiao. "Attitude Functions." The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. (2020). Print.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
The history and development of U.S. media, theoretical aspects of mass communications, the composition of media audiences, law and regulation of mass communications and how the media affect and are affected by society are presented.
3 Credits
An introduction to the practice of public relations. Topics include history, research areas, laws, ethics, and social responsibilities as they relate to the theory and practice of public relations.
3 Credits
This course is designed to introduce students to qualitative and quantitative research methods in communication and guide them in choosing the appropriate method for their thesis research project. Topics may include research perspectives, ethics and IRB, variables, sampling methods, reliability and validity, survey, experiments, content analysis, in-depth interview, focus group, observations/ethnography, and mixed methods.
0 Credits
An introduction to graduate study and research in communication including the theoretical, conceptual, and methodological parameters of communication and its sub-disciplines. Participants will interact with the faculty teaching required and elective communication courses. Attention will be drawn to scholarly writing and research design. When possible, the course is organized in conjunction with the department’s colloquium series.
1 - 6 Credits
A guided research project that focuses on designing, conducting, and completing a research project. The project culminates in a public presentation and defense.
0 Credits
A guided research study culminating in an original, systematic, and scholarly study of a significant communication problem. Focuses on designing, conducting, and completing an independent research project. The progress of each project is publicly defended.

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