‘Global Women of Light’ to gather for international symposium at 2019 Frontiers in Optics

Symposium aims to advance women’s leadership in science, technology, engineering and entrepreneurship

RIT Associate Professor Jie Qiao, front center, is collaborating with the Optical Society (OSA) Foundation to host the fourth annual symposium for women in optics and photonics on Sept. 15 in Washington, D.C., as part of the Frontiers in Optics OSA Conference.

Women from academia, industry and government will meet this week to collaboratively establish strategies to advance women’s leadership across science, technology, engineering and entrepreneurship career ranks. WiSTEE Connect is collaborating with the Optical Society (OSA) Foundation to organize the fourth international symposium “Global Women of Light” at the 2019 Frontiers in Optics from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 15, in Washington, D.C. The program will be hosted at the OSA Headquarters.

The symposium will feature panel and roundtable discussions on career strategies and intersecting science and entrepreneurship. Women leaders will present career, entrepreneurial strategies and best practices on promoting emerging women leadership in their respective sectors. Elizabeth Rogan, CEO of OSA, will give an opening speech on advancing women in optics. Jie Qiao, an associate professor in RIT’s Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science and founder and chair of WiSTEE Connect, will provide an introduction on WiSTEE’s visions and activities. A networking session will close out the day’s program and provide an opportunity for informal discussion.

“The fourth annual symposium is an important opportunity to continue to build a community of women across career ranks and disciplines in STEM and entrepreneurship, creating cross-pollinated best practices and strategies across sectors,” said Qiao, the program organizer. “Attendees can make important professional connections and gain invaluable perspectives on being and supporting women in science, technology, engineering and entrepreneurship.”

Qiao founded and chairs the WiSTEE Connect professional association to promote women’s career growth through mentorship and leadership internationally. Qiao’s research focuses on ultrafast-laser-based photonics and optics fabrication and optical metrology, and she mentors female and male students from all levels. Her research has been funded by various federal, state and private sectors, including the National Science Foundation.

Registration for the symposium is free, and registration for the OSA conference is not required to attend this symposium. Women, men, students and professionals alike are invited to attend. For additional details including the full program, go to http://www.wisteeconnect.org.
