Fulbright Fellowship

RIT students and alumni with excellent academic records should consider applying for a competitive fellowship or scholarship.

There are a number of independent scholarships or fellowships available for study, travel or research abroad. Scholarships (generally for undergraduates) and Fellowships (generally for graduate students or recent graduates) can turn the dream of living abroad into a reality.

International scholarships and fellowships tend to have strict eligibility requirements. For example you must be studying in certain countries, certain languages or for a minimum amount of time. They are also often competitive and have EARLY deadlines.

Our Office offers advice and support to current RIT students and alumni interested in applying for a variety of fellowships. We are also available to help you with essay and resume reviews for your application.

The application process for each fellowship is slightly different. If you don't see the process for your fellowship listed and have questions, please contact Jenny Sullivan at jlrsrap@rit.edu or call (585) 475-3224 to set up an appointment.

Recommend a Student for a Fulbright Fellowship

The Fulbright is a prestigious fellowship that fully funds a student for one year of researching or teaching in a foreign country. While Fulbright deadlines are in the fall, you can recommend a student any time of the year. Fill out the form below, we will contact the student and tell them that they have been recommended by you.

Unfortunately, only US Citizens are eligible for Fulbright Fellowships.

Nomination Form

Does the student have:

above a 3.0 GPA?
junior or senior standing?
good written communication skills?
an interest in study, travel, and living abroad?
research experience/interest?
the ability to represent the U.S. in a positive way?
Would you be willing to write the student a recommendation letter?
Do you give us permission to disclose your identity to the student?