Program Directory
Physician Assistant BS/MS Faculty

Melanie Geiger headshot
Instructional Faculty and Clinical Coordinator
Physician Assistant Program
College of Health Sciences and Technology
Gina Geraci headshot
Instructional Faculty and Clinical Coordinator
Physician Assistant Program
College of Health Sciences and Technology
Adam Kastaly headshot
Senior Staff Assistant
Physician Assistant Program
College of Health Sciences and Technology
Paul Levy headshot
Distinguished Lecturer
Physician Assistant Program
College of Health Sciences and Technology
Medical Director
Joseph Nicholas headshot
Instructional Faculty and Medical Education Consultant
Physician Assistant Program
College of Health Sciences and Technology
Ashley Nichols headshot
PA Program Academic Coordinator
Physician Assistant Program
College of Health Sciences and Technology
John Oliphant headshot
Instructional Faculty and Program Director
Global Public Health
College of Health Sciences and Technology
Program Director, Global Public Health
Janice Shirley headshot
Director of Physician Assistant Program
Physician Assistant Program
College of Health Sciences and Technology