Rhonda Baker Headshot

Rhonda Baker

IST Office Manager

School of Information
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Office Location
Office Mailing Address
Department of Information Sciences & Technologies

Rhonda Baker

IST Office Manager

School of Information
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences


Currently Teaching

3 Credits
In this course, students will apply the theories and methodologies to the investigation of a problem in the HCI domain. Students who have already prepared a proposal for their capstone project,will design and implement a solution to a problem, and communicate the results.
0 Credits
Students may substitute the second block of traditional co-op experience with creative, innovative or research (iSchool CIR) activities as long as it is directly related to the applicant’s degree. Examples include contributing to research projects, supervised participation in entrepreneurial activities, and cross-disciplinary innovation projects not otherwise eligible for co-op. Students will follow a structured application process prior to registering for the course. They will submit a plan of work that outlines the proposed activities, defines tangible goals and deliverables, and identifies a person (faculty member, business contact, etc.) who will provide oversight throughout the term. At the conclusion of the term, students will follow an assessment process similar to that used for traditional co-op as well as (submission of evaluation of responsible oversight party, their daily time and activity logs, the students report and an announced presentation – see iSchool CIR Experience Guidelines on the web at https://ischool.rit.edu/ > Student Resources > Co-op Enrollment for further information).
1 - 6 Credits
The thesis capstone experience for the Master of Science in Information Technology and Analytics program. Students must submit an approved capstone proposal in order to enroll. (Permission of capstone committee and graduate coordinator).
3 Credits
The project-based culminating experience for the Master of Science in Information Technology and Analytics program. A MS project will typically include a software system development component requiring a substantial and sustained level of effort. Students must submit an approved project proposal in order to enroll. (Permission of project committee and graduate program director).