Dungeons & Dragons

a collage of kids playing Dungeons and Dragons


Where can you learn team-building, storytelling, probability, research, improvisation, critical analysis and be challenged to flex your creativity? Around the table in the world of Dungeons & Dragons!

In this workshop, students will be taught how to play (if they don’t already know) and lead this wildly popular and complex tabletop roleplaying game. Each decision made requires consultation of charts and mathematical estimation to determine the success of the dice roll. More than a math game, students must work together to unravel the game master’s puzzles. The possibilities are infinite as students figure out how to work with (and around) the rules, and gain confidence as they take on the role of a wizard, paladin, warrior or a rogue.

Check back soon for schedule and registration information.




Campus Map

In the News

WROC-TV featured RIT’s Dungeons & Dragons camp in October 2019
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