News Stories

  • June 5, 2017

    Cover of Vignelli: From A to Z

    RIT Press to bring Vignelli book back into print

    RIT Press and an enthusiastic group of crowdfunders have revitalized a book that profiles the most iconic work of world-renowned Italian designers Lella and Massimo Vignelli. This August, RIT Press will release an exact reprint of the original, 196-page Vignelli: From A to Z.
  • June 5, 2017

    Drawing new insights from gravitational waves

    Richard O’Shaughnessy and collaborators reanalyzed the merging black holes detected by LIGO last year, linking the black hole’s misalignment to when it formed from the death of a massive star. The force expelled the newborn black hole with a “natal kick,” causing the misalignment.
  • May 26, 2017

    Portrait of Irene Sterian

    RIT hosts ‘Enabling the Digital World’ conference

    RIT is expanding its partnership with ASM Systems focusing on next-generation electronics manufacturing, research and workforce development. The partners are highlighting projects underway during the “Enabling the Digital World: The Future of Electronics and Manufacturing” conference.
  • May 26, 2017

    Portrait of Hyacinth “Hope” V. Drummond

    RIT appoints new member to Board of Trustees

    Hyacinth “Hope” V. Drummond, an RIT alumna, has been appointed to RIT’s Board of Trustees. Drummond also sits on the boards of directors for Sojourner House at Pathstone in Rochester and the Morrison YMCA in Charlotte, N.C.
  • May 25, 2017

    A professional, black and white photo of the UNA team with the UNA logo and the Top 100 2017 Brasil logo.

    Alumni company makes Top 100 startups list

    UNA Smart, touted by developers as an innovative way to brew coffee and tea anywhere and anytime and created by five RIT alumni, was recently named to Brazil’s Top 100 startups list.
  • May 24, 2017

    People signing documents at conference

    RIT, Seneca Park Zoo Society sign partnership

    RIT and the Seneca Park Zoo Society have announced a new strategic partnership. The collaboration formally recognizes and builds upon a relationship that has existed for years and was formalized with a memorandum of understanding to develop, promote and implement mutually beneficial projects.
  • May 22, 2017

    A grid map that outlines the path data takes in an emergency situation.

    RIT team creates high-speed internet lane

    Researchers at RIT are developing a faster and more reliable way to send and receive large amounts of data through the internet. By creating a new network protocol, researchers are essentially developing a new high-speed lane of online traffic, specifically for emergency information.
  • May 22, 2017

    People gathered at event with award

    Girl Scouts honor RIT’s women in STEM groups

    RIT’s Women in Computing and Women in Engineering programs were honored with the Commitment to Excellence Award from the Girl Scouts of Western New York for their dedication to encouraging young girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math.
  • May 19, 2017

    Graduates taking pictures

    Commencement speaker: Success awaits hard workers

    Less than a decade after graduating, alumnus Austin McChord, founder and CEO of the widely acclaimed technology company Datto Inc., returned to campus today to give the commencement speech to some 3,500 graduates, including 32 students who earned Ph.D.s.