News Stories

  • March 7, 2017

    Picture of pink rocking chair

    CHAIRity auction to benefit United Way now open

    Thirty ordinary chairs have been transformed into beautiful works of art and are available to the highest bidder—in support of RIT’s 2017 United Way of Greater Rochester campaign. The third annual CHAIRity Auction runs until March 17.
  • March 6, 2017

    Logo for "RIT College of Liberal Arts"

    RIT partners with Roberts Wesleyan

    RIT has signed an agreement with Roberts Wesleyan College that will allow students from RIT to simultaneously take classes in Roberts’ graduate education programs easily and at an accelerated level.
  • March 6, 2017

    Computer drawing of a Colorful bird

    NTID to offer degree in 3-D graphics technology

    NTID has been granted approval by the New York State Education Department to establish a new degree program in 3-D graphics technology. Beginning this fall, RIT/NTID will become the first college to offer this kind of associate degree program to deaf and hard-of-hearing students.
  • March 3, 2017

    Two portraits side by side

    AMPrint, imaging science centers receive grants

    RIT’s AMPrint Center and Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science received grants from FuzeHub, the statewide New York Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program center, to purchase equipment for use in center laboratories focused on advanced manufacturing research and new product development.
  • March 3, 2017

    Person speaking at podium at event

    Student’s video game competes in Intel Showcase

    RIT made a strong showing at the 2017 Intel University Games Showcase on March 2 where student John Miller presented his video game, Gibraltar, in front of students and faculty from the top game developer academic programs in the United States.
  • March 2, 2017

    People working around display

    Student takes part in curating exhibition

    Meet Claire Popoli, a third-year museum studies major and one of a handful of students who helped to curate “The Stories They Tell” exhibition in collaboration with RIT Archive Collections.
  • March 2, 2017

    Portrait of Author/Historian

    Author/historian delves into ‘West Side Story’

    Julia Foulkes, professor of history at The New School in New York, will discuss her book, A Place for Us: West Side Story and New York, as the guest speaker of The Crossroads: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on American Music Speaker Series hosted by RIT’s School of Individualized Study.
  • March 2, 2017

    People walking around event

    Optimism abounds at RIT’s Spring Career Fair

    Representatives from more than 245 companies filled the Gordon Field House as more than 4,600 students asked and answered questions about possible employment. Between 1,000 and 1,500 students are expected to meet with employers today for follow-up interviews.
  • March 1, 2017

    Person handing out product to judges

    Top stories and videos for February

    News about two alumni pitching on Shark Tank was the most read story last month. Check out all of February’s top stories and videos.
  • March 1, 2017

    Person working at computers

    Student enters game into Intel Showcase at GDC

    John Miller, a third-year game design and development student, debuts his game Gibraltar in front of students and faculty from the nation’s top gaming schools at the highly anticipated Intel University Games Showcase at the 2017 Game Developers Conference.