All of the PEN partners and affiliate institutions attended the PEN-International Annual Business Meeting on 11-14 September 2009 in Changchun, China. This event, co-hosted by PEN-China and Changchun University, was the first PEN-International business meeting held outside of the United States, and it was a great success. Under the leadership of PEN-China Director Bao and the academic leadership of Changchun University, the business meeting venue and program reached the high standards of all PEN-International events. Each partner and affiliate was given the opportunity to provide the group with a brief presentation about their program's accomplishments from the past years and describe their plans for future efforts. High on the agenda was a discussion of the future of PEN-International's goals and projects, given The Nippon Foundation policy that prevents additional funding at previous levels after 10 years of the project's operation. More than 50 PEN stakeholders were in attendance.