Professors Supin Nayong and Suksiri Danthanavanich, PEN-International Scholars from Ratchasuda College, Mahidol University, spent a busy week at NTID focusing on issues related to interpreter training, sign language curriculum development, and instructional technology.
Dr. Rico Peterson, chair of the NTID Department of American Sign Language and Interpreting Education (ASLIE), along with members of his department, offered the Thai faculty an extensive overview and introduction to interpreter and sign language education. Additionally, the visitors were able to visit a number of NTID classes and workshops of sign language instruction, interpreter training, and cultural issues.
Professors Nayong and Danthanavanich presented a lecture to interpreting students on November 2, 2004. This lecture, attended by more than 45 students, faculty, and staff provided an opportunity for the NTID community to learn more about the programs and offerings of Ratchasuda College.
Not only did Professors Nayong and Danthanavanich learn about NTID approaches to sign language education, they were able to acquire sign language reference and curriculum materials for review and possible implementation in Thailand.
At the conclusion of the week, professors Nayong and Danthanavanich, the PEN-International leadership, and members of the ASLIE department discussed future collaboration between the colleges. The decision was made to plan for a two-week workshop, titled "Introduction to ASL" and a 4 day workshop titled "Use of Interactive Video and Other Instructional Technologies in Interpreter Education" to be presented by NTID faculty in Thailand, in February and March 2004.