The PEN-International delegation had the opportunity to discuss the formation of PEN-Russia with Mr. Nikolay I. Bulaev, Chair of the Science and Education Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The meeting was hosted by Rector Fedorov of Bauman in his office. Chairman Bulaev committed to including the development of special education for people with disabilities on the agenda of his committee.
In addition, Mr. Bulaev and the PEN delegation participated in a seminar held at Bauman regarding postsecondary education of students who are deaf. Approximately 40 educators participated in the seminar that was held in the PEN-International Multimedia Laboratory at Bauman.
The delegation was also accompanied by Rector Nella Pruss (TISBI) and Director Stanevsky at a meeting with Mr. Viktor Bolotov, Minister of Education. He indicated his willingness to inform appropriate agencies in the Russian Federation as regards the work of PEN-International.