On June 23rd and 24th, Vincent A. Daniele, Professor and Department Chairperson, and Associate Professor Joan A. Carr, both of the NTID Department of Science and Mathematics, provided the faculty of PEN partner universities in China with a series of lectures, workshops and activities related to teaching mathematics to deaf college students.
The workshop, entitled Teaching Mathematics to Deaf College Students: The NTID Model, focused on teaching mathematics at NTID, using technology in the math classroom, issues related to teaching deaf students and implications for teaching mathematics in China.
Overall, more than 45 faculty members attended the workshops and demonstrations.
The presenters provided all participants with related resources, including files on CDs and web-based materials. PEN-International has made arrangements to purchase special Texas Instrument teaching calculator systems for Tianjin University of Technology, Beinjing Union University and Changchun University. This equipment will be used by teachers who attended the mathematics workshops.