On 19, 20 and 21 April, prior to attending the PEPNet Conference in Pittsburgh (USA), 18 faculty member from PEN partner institutions participated in three days of pre-conference training. Workshops were offered from PEN-International by six members of the NTID faculty (Dr. Adams, Professor Basile, Ms. Darroch, Mr. Macko, Ms. Dollinger-Meyer and Ms. Downs) and a faculty member of Western Oregon University (Dr. Davis). The workshops covered a wide range of topics, including career counseling, use of interpreters in the mainstream, increasing student classroom interaction, cooperative education, and assistive listening devices. In addition, each partner reported on their annual outcomes at a business meeting that was chaired by PEN Director DeCaro.
All reports and training materials as well as summary evaluations by the participants can be found by pointing and clicking on the links below.
The members of the delegation also attended the PEPNet Conference on 22 and 23 April before departing for their home countries on 24 April.