�Videoconference Communication Support �Bill Clymer �Christine Monikowski �Benjamin Rubin �February 27, 2013 �Goals �Description of RIT and NTID �Use of Web-based Video for Instruction and Support �NSF Funded Research �Series of interrelated grants �Cisco Funded Research �Initial Findings �Ongoing Research & Reporting �Discussion �Rochester Institute of Technology http://www.rit.edu/overview/at-a-glance �Nine Colleges �17, 652 Students �3,756 Faculty Staff �Technology Programs �Diverse Community �NTID Background http://www.ntid.rit.edu/about �Founded in 1965 by Congress �1,281 Students �200 Faculty, 300 Staff �Communication Support �NTID Instruction �Direct Instruction �Approximately 500 students �Faculty sign and teach �Small classes �Supported Instruction �Approximately 600 students �cross registered� ��Mainstreamed� classes with other RIT Colleges �Interpreters, Captioning, Notetaking, Tutoring �NSF Cyber Community Grants �Cyber Community �IIS-0915268 �Summit �OCI-0749253 �Enrichment �HRD-0927586 �Alliance �HRD-1127955 �DHH Cyber Community http://dhhcybercommunity.cs.washington.edu/ �ClassInFocus �ASL-STEM Forum �DHH Cyber Community http://dhhcybercommunity.cs.washington.edu/ �ClassInFocus �Lead to an investigation in systems and technology to support remote services. �ASL-STEM Forum �Online video forum �http://aslstem.cs.washington.edu/ �DHH Cyber Community http://dhhcybercommunity.cs.washington.edu/ �Summit http://www.rit.edu/ntid/cat/summit ��Summit to Create a Cyber-Community to Advance Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Individuals in STEM (DHH Cyber-Community)� �The goal of the Summit was to conduct a conference with 50 leaders in the field of support service provision for postsecondary deaf students in STEM programs �The primary outcome was to report on the current state of online remote interpreting and captioning, and to identify the benefits and challenges associated with creating a multimedia application and network �Enrichment http://www.rit.edu/ntid/cat/enrichment ��Enrichment : Testing the Concept of a Virtual Alliance for Deaf and Hard of Hearing STEM Students at the Postsecondary Level� �The goal was investigate the creation of a virtual support network for deaf/hard-of-hearing college students around the country enrolled in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs �The primary outcome was a successful NSF Alliance Proposal! �Alliance dhhvac.org �Model for Provision of Remote Tutoring and Mentoring �NTID/RIT, Camden County College, and Cornell University are constructing an on-line community to support the learning needs of students who are deaf and hard-of-hearing in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). �Video Guides http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3jz2bVv7WkWJAxCOsOV30Q/videos �RemoteTutoring �Cisco Research �Three Strands �Equipment Donation �TelePresence �Variables Within Interpreted TelePresence Scenarios �Determine �best practices� when working with TP and interpreters �Face-to-face within the TP system �Remote with the TP system �9 Scenarios/4 Days/Summer 2012 �Variables: �Number of Deaf/Hearing participants �Level of interaction among all participants �Level of technology within the TP system �Different kinds of TP systems �Location of interpreters �When IN the environment and when REMOTE �Our Goals for Participants �Interpreters: �To have the same interpreters across scenarios �Nationally certified �Flexible �Deaf participants: �To have the same �students� across scenarios �Experience with interpreters �Willing to give feedback �Hearing participants: �To have the same �presenters� across scenarios �Some knowledge/experience working with interpreters �What We Did �Assigned everyone a �role� �Ran the scenario, with 2 working interpreters and a third one observing/advising �Distributed written feedback forms to all �Conducted approx. 15 minute de-briefings with all participants �Two interpreters now participated and third did the interpreting �Made minor adjustments from feedback, took a short break, moved on to next scenario �Report �http://www.rit.edu/ntid/cat/sites/default/files/NTID-TelePresence_Oct2012_Final.pdf �Report of Each Scenario �Report on Each Scenario �Results - Primary Themes �Cameras are voice-activated �Problems for Deaf participants �Problems for interpreters �Actual positioning of interpreters �In the room, near the screen �In the other room, near the presenter �Interpreters cannot communicate with Deaf participants �Remote �Problems with lack of eye contact, re-adjusting tiles on the screen �Quality � wow!! �Future � lots of possibilities!! �Discussion �Questions �Comments �Resources