Creating a Virtual Academic Community for STEM Students �Lisa B. Elliot, Benjamin Rubin, James J. DeCaro, & E. William Clymer, Rochester Institute of Technology/National Technical Institute for the Deaf �Kathy Earp, Camden County College �Michele D. Fish, Cornell University �Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Central Florida, January 14, 2013 Who We Are �Deaf STEM Community Alliance �Supported by the National Science Foundation, HRD #1127955 �3-5 year project (2011-2016) Campus Partners Rochester Institute of Technology Camden County College Cornell University Project Rationale �Participation gap for students who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) �Contributing factors: �Student preparation (STEM basic skills, concepts) �Socialization (peers, role models) �Accessible media Project Rationale �Solution: Deaf STEM Community Alliance �Student preparation �Remote tutoring �Remote captioning �Remote interpreting �Socialization �Remote mentoring �Peer interaction �Accessible media �Curated collection of STEM resources Goal and Objectives �Goal �Increase the graduation rates of postsecondary D/HH STEM majors in the long term �Objectives � document and disseminate a description of the process of creating a model VAC for replication � increase the GPAs and retention rates of D/HH students in STEM majors. Remote Tutoring Using Google+ Hangouts �Remote Tutoring Using Google+ Hangouts �Remote Tutoring through the VAC � What is it? Insert Video Here �Challenges & Strategies �Challenges �Network/browser inconsistencies �Training & technical assistance �Google+ UI changes Strategies �Ethernet connection/Chrome browser �Ongoing feedback & technical assistance �On-line guides �Google Educational Enterprise account Findings & Conclusions �GPA unchanged (n=8; 3.26) �Progress toward degree=one graduate �Early in project � more to come! �Great opportunity to learn about digital learning and connectivism vs. conventional models of learning �Opportunity to learn about embracing innovation and technology �Contact Information Deaf STEM Community Alliance