Video and Deaf+Hearing Community Naomi Black & Nathan Kester with Ben Rubin, NTID and Willie King, ZVRS Welcome! �Who we are �Why communication accessibility? �Google+ �Hangouts �Video and Community (with RIT/NTID) oDHHVAC project oSpringboard project �Building on the Hangouts API �Using Google Services to Communicate oGoogle+ Pages oHangouts and Live Hangouts oGoogle Apps Video Who we are Naomi leads a team of engineers at Google. She works on improving the accessibility of Google products and services. Nathan works as a webmaster at Google, responsible for many pages on and He works primarily with Google AdWords and Google Apps. � � � �, Why communication accessibility? "To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." �Most of the world's population does not speak my language. �Hearing people and Deaf want to communicate �Diversity at work leads to better ideas �Hearing people can learn from deaf people about video communication Google Insights �Google is busy trying to integrate services together better �If you upload video clips to YouTube, it is instantly viewable to millions of users around the world. �Moore's law: as technology advances exponentially, we are becoming more connected too. �Your mobile phone is your compass, your communicator in the world. Google+ It's an upgrade to Google -- �One seamless social experience across all of our products It's a social destination -- �A place to share and build community Google+ Hangouts: Video Communication Sign Language Hangouts: �Shift+S �Pinning a view �The "brady bunch" view Deaf-and-Hearing Communication �Adding a phone call to a Hangout �CART (Hangout Captions) �VRI (early demo) Demo: Hangout with Ben Demo: Adding CART to a Hangout Deaf STEM Community Alliance Project at RIT/NTID �The project is supported by the National Science Foundation (Award HRD #1127955) �The Deaf STEM Community Alliance brings together students, faculty and staff from: oRochester Institute of Technology/National Technical Institute for the Deaf (RIT/NTID) in Rochester NY oCamden County College in Blackwood NJ oCornell University in Ithaca NY � Deaf STEM Community Alliance Project at RIT/NTID �Goals: oIncrease GPAs and retention rates of D/HH students in STEM majors. oCreate a scalable online model that other schools can use. Virtual Academic Community (VAC) prototype for D/HH students to succeed in STEM fields of study through a web-based cyberinfrastructure �Web-conferencing tools provide students with remote support services (tutoring and mentoring) and remote access services (interpreting and captioning) �Began using Google+ Hangouts in early trials Deaf STEM Community Alliance Project at RIT/NTID �Why RIT/NTID Chose Google+ and Hangouts? oAll RIT students already were using and familiar with the University Gmail system. Easy to learn. oGoogle+ available both outside of class and after students graduate. oOnline materials and tutorials from Google have captions oCustom support options for the deaf community (shift+S) oStudents are often online on their own time, which makes Google+ an easy way for the virtual academic community manager to get ahold of or update many of the students. Remote Tutoring with the VAC Deaf STEM Community Alliance Project at RIT/NTID For most of the students and almost all of the tutors, this was the first time they used Google Applications together in a unified way. �Virtual Academic Community Manager created 1-2 hour orientation sessions for tutor-student teams in the beginning where they met in person. �Helped students become familiar with Gmail, Google+, Hangouts, Google Docs, and Google Calendar. �'While tutors were working with students on their coursework, Many students, as digital natives, helped tutors become fully acclimated to Google Applications. Deaf STEM Community Alliance Project at RIT/NTID Some of the students began using Google Apps with peers to support each other academically as well as personally. What began as a biweekly conversation about school projects and interests expanded over the summer. Springboard Hangouts �4 students in very different parts of the country �connecting online �sharing their work experiences Springboard Hangouts Live Demos... Demo: Adding a Voice Call to a Hangout Building on the Hangouts API (Guest Demo!) Q&A How to find us: � �Or email ( Projects mentioned here: �Hangout Captions �Deaf STEM Community Alliance ( � And