Providing Remote STEM Tutoring to Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Students Using Google+ Hangouts April 30, 2015 Austin Gehret, Assistant Professor, NTID Science & Mathematics Lisa Elliot, Senior Research Scientist, NTID Center on Access Technology Presentation Agenda �Overview of the Deaf STEM Community Alliance project �Remote tutoring experiences using Google+ Hangouts �Using Google Drive for document management and collaboration with colleagues Who We Are Deaf STEM Community Alliance Only Alliance specifically for D/HH students Supported by the National Science Foundation, HRD #1127955 Multi-year project (Sept 2011- Aug 2017) Now in our 4rd year Campus Partners RIT is the lead institution for this project, with Camden County College and Cornell University as partners. Challenges Addressed by the Alliance �Need to add more STEM graduates �Broaden participation of underrepresented groups in STEM, especially those with disabilities, and, in particular, those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing �Create more cohesive cyber learning resources for students, faculty, and support service providers Barriers to Success in STEM Student Preparation Socialization Accessible Media Goal and Objectives Goal Build a model virtual academic community (VAC) that will increase graduation rates of D/HH STEM majors in postsecondary education in the long term Objectives 1) Document and disseminate a description of the process of creating the VAC to create a scalable model that could be adopted by others 2) Increase GPAs and retention rates of D/HH students in STEM majors Model Building Incremental (adding components gradually) Iterative (modifying model based on consumer and evaluation feedback) (Cockburn, 2008) Model Infrastructure Google Apps for Education (Enterprise) Account ( Deaf and Hard of Hearing Virtual Academic Community (DHHVAC) Website ( You Tube Video Library ( user/dhhvac) Model Infrastructure Components Communication Dissemination User Analytics Communication Infrastructure Google Apps for Education (Enterprise) Account Google + Private Community (Social Media) Chat (Text) Hangouts (Video, Text, Document Sharing) E-mail DHHVAC Model Barriers & Strategies Remote Tutoring Remote Mentoring Using G+ Hangouts Student Preparation Remote Mentoring Peer-to-Peer Interaction Using G+ Private Community Socialization Accessible STEM Information Using Website, G+ Private Community, & G+ Public Page Accessible Media Tutoring Models Same Vicinity: Faculty Tutors + Students Different Vicinities: Adjunct Tutor + Students Different Vicinities: Grad Student Tutor + Students Same Vicinity: Undergrad Student Tutor + Student Remote Tutoring FAQs: Based on RIT/NTID faculty-student face-to-face tutoring Conducted over 120 synchronous sessions with 11 tutors Google+ Hangouts as web conferencing platform Chromebooks, Macs, PCs, iPads & other tablets On-line resources, paper/pen, whiteboards, Conceptboard (virtual whiteboard) Asynchronous tutoring sessions Experience Using Google+ Platform Part I: Initial Project Focus: Best features Google+ Hangouts offer for conducting remote tutoring Part II: Leveraging Google Drive app for document management and collaboration with colleagues Part I: Advantages of Remote Tutoring using Google+ Hangouts Interface allows flexibility in communication Accommodating to schedules (faculty and student) Google+ Apps that enhanced online tutoring Google Drive: Document Sharing Google+ Screenshare feature Part I: Advantages of Remote Tutoring using Google+ Hangouts Interface allows flexibility in communication Accommodating to schedules (faculty and student) Google+ Apps that enhanced online tutoring Google Drive: Document Sharing Google+ Screenshare feature Google+ Hangouts: Communication Flexibility Versatility of interface allows RIT/NTID faculty to structure sessions similar to face-to-face tutoring Video feeds for both users Microphone capability Chat feature capability Starting a Google Hangout My Google+ Homepage Video Feeds For All Users Microphone Capability Controlled Individually Chat Feature Remote Tutoring Chat Feature can be used to clarify some complex terminology Remote Tutoring In the absence of an online whiteboard, tutor can make full use of office whiteboard in the Hangout by repositioning camera Google+ Hangouts: Summary of communication flexibility Each participant has flexibility in their preferred communication method: �Auditory-Microphone feature (Enable/Disable) �Visual-Video feed/Chat feature (Enable/Disable) Part I: Advantages of Remote Tutoring using Google+ Hangouts Interface allows flexibility in communication Accommodating to schedules (faculty and student) Google+ Apps that enhanced online tutoring Google Drive: Document Sharing Google+ Screenshare feature Google+ Hangouts: Accommodating to Schedules Traditional face-to-face tutoring requires: Mutual availability of both faculty member and student during normal work hours Student class schedule Student work schedule Student can receive tutoring from dorm, off-campus Tutor can conduct tutoring from home, office, campus or traveling (conference) 28 Accommodating to Schedules: Tutor conducted session from home 29 Student A B C D E F G Course Supported Biochemistry: Nucleic Acids Biochemistry: Conformation & Dynamics Biochemistry: Metabolism General & Analytical Chemistry III General & Analytical Chemistry III General & Analytical Chemistry III General & Analytical Chemistry I General & Analytical Chemistry II Term Spring Quarter Fall Quarter Winter Quarter Spring Quarter Spring Quarter Spring Quarter Fall Semester Spring Semester AY 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 2013-14 2013-14 # Of Sessions 5 4 2 1 2 2 Student Off campus 3 4 Accommodating to Schedules: Student received tutoring at home Google+ Hangouts: Accommodating to Schedules Summary Google+ Hangouts provides additional options for scheduled tutoring Some students with heavy work schedules can take advantage of tutoring that may not otherwise Part I: Advantages of Remote Tutoring using Google+ Hangouts Interface allows flexibility in communication Accommodating to undergraduates schedules Google+ Apps that enhanced online tutoring Google Drive: Document Sharing Google+ Screenshare feature Sharing Google Drive Documents in Google+ Hangouts Tutor has Google Drive associated with Google+ account (hops:// . 1. �Tutor can upload any course documents (notes, powerpoint, practice problem sets, etc.) to the Google Drive . 2. �Tutor grants student permission to access specific documents (Shared) . 3. �Tutor and student can collaborate on shared course materials during a Google+ Hangout Accessing Google Drive from Google + Homepage Shared Files Sharing Google+ Drive Documents in Google+ Hangouts Google Drive materials can be leveraged during a Google+ Hangout through the Chat window Sharing Google+ Drive Documents in Google+ Hangouts Link to Google Drive Sharing Google+ Drive Documents in Google+ Hangouts Sharing Google+ Drive Documents in Google+ Hangouts Google Hangout using a Shared Document Google+ Hangouts: Document Sharing Summary Allows tutor to leverage more online resources in Google Hangout Shared documents can be viewed/edited/ analyzed between tutor and student Part I: Advantages of Remote Tutoring using Google+ Hangouts Interface allows flexibility in communication Accommodating to undergraduates schedules Google+ Apps that enhanced online tutoring Google Drive: Document Sharing Google+ Screenshare feature Google+ Hangout Screenshare Feature �Screenshare feature is an associated app within Google+ Hangout �Robust method for providing real-time feedback to student �Allows Google Hangout to liaise with 3rd party software Google+ Hangouts Screenshare Feature Used Extensively for Online Sessions Student A B C D E F G Course Supported Biochemistry: Nucleic Acids Biochemistry: ConformaTion & Dynamics Biochemistry: Metabolism General & AnalyTical Chemistry III General & AnalyTical Chemistry III General & AnalyTical Chemistry III General & AnalyTical Chemistry I General & AnalyTical Chemistry II Term Spring Quarter Fall Quarter Winter Quarter Spring Quarter Spring Quarter Spring Quarter Fall Semester Spring Semester AY 2011-12 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2013-14 2013-14 2013-14 2013-14 # Of Sessions 5 4 2 1 2 2 3 4 Screenshare in Google+ Hangouts Lisa = Tutor Perspec1ve Aus1n = Student Perspec1ve Screenshare in Google+ Hangouts Lisa = Tutor Perspec1ve Aus1n = Student Perspec1ve Tutor sees students work but not student Can communicate using: 1) Chat 2) Voice 3) Sign Student still has tutors video feed Screenshare in Google+ Hangouts Lisa = Tutor Perspective Aus1n = Student Perspective Screenshare is disabled by the student and video feed is restored Google+ Hangouts: Screenshare Summary �Screenshare works very well with online homework, has potential to liaise with other platforms �Student can open receive feedback from tutor quicker than in a face-to-face session Part II: Document Management and Collaboration with Google Drive Google Drive simplifies and organizes document updating Working from two different offices and at home Asynchronous tutoring through Google Drive Collaborate on documents with colleagues remotely Google Drive Simplifies/Organizes Document Updating Tutoring Teaching Research Service Part II: Document Management and Collaboration with Google Drive Google Drive simplifies and organizes document updating Working from two different offices and at home Asynchronous tutoring through Google Drive Collaborate on documents with colleagues remotely Asynchronous Tutoring Through Google Drive Document Sharing Students have access to these materials outside of Google+ Hangouts Currently used to provide tutoring support for summer classes Part II: Document Management and Collaboration with Google Drive Google Drive simplifies and organizes document updating Working from two different offices and at home Asynchronous tutoring through Google Drive Collaborate on documents with colleagues remotely Document Collaboration in Google Drive using Google Docs Collaborators can add comments Document Collaboration in Google Drive using Google Docs Collaborators can made direct edits/suggestions Discussion Questions Answers! Contact Information Deaf STEM Community Alliance hop:// OR Thank you!