Our expertise is in ensuring that you’re exposed to and engaged in experiences that are life-changing and future-forming. With outstanding career outcomes and exceptional education in a vibrant community, you’ll achieve success along with a strong return on your investment.

Outstanding Career Outcomes
RIT’s Class of 2020 shares what’s next for them, from jobs with Fortune 500 companies to prestigious graduate programs and service opportunities.

At RIT, thanks to our unmatched co‑op program, you’ll gain real-world experiences, early and often, along with career preparation that will set you apart.
Earned by Students on Co‑op
In total, students earned more than $105 million in annual co‑op compensation. This financial support helps defray the cost of tuition and living expenses.
Hiring Organizations
More than 3,400 organizations hire RIT students to fill more than 6,400 co‑op positions each year.
Students Participate in Co‑op Annually
Co‑op is built into most programs and is available and encouraged in all majors.
Co‑op Employers Who Said They’d Hire Their RIT Co‑op Student
Employers know that RIT students are well-prepared, professional, and ready to become key contributors to an organization on day one.
Experience Outstanding
Relationships Are Key to Success
Jess Sudol '06VP/Civil Dept. Manager - Passero AssociatesBuilding relationships and honing communication skills are crucial skills for success in any field. Passero Associates has recognized the collaborative nature of RIT students. They continue to hire RIT students and graduates for their dynamic interpersonal skills as well as their knowledge.
Learning to Learn
John Myers '83PhotographyFor Myers, who has traveled the world to photograph people and places, RIT was key to preparing him to adapt to an ever-changing industry. The skills he honed as a student – curiosity, responsibility, communication skills – have enhanced his decades-long career as a photographer.
Eye on the Prize
Lily LautenschlagerBiomedical Photographic CommunicationsLautenschlager's passion for helping others drew her to a co‑op opportunity in the medical science field. Through hands-on experience studying the eye, Lily has secured a part-time job while she continues her education at RIT.
Giving a Voice to a Community
Tianna Manon '15CommunicationAs an alum of the journalism program, Manon has put into practice the storytelling platforms and opportunities She took advantage of at RIT. Today, Manon serves as editor-in-chief of Open Mic Rochester, an online magazine that gives a voice to Rochester’s black community.

Exceptional Education
Advancing the Exceptional:
We all have something. A passion to pursue. A theory to prove. A difference to make. At RIT, we’re advancing the exceptional in every way.

RIT operates at the intersection of technology, the arts, and design, creating an exclusive education experience where your creativity and innovation will flourish. The skills you gain will set you up for success in the new economy.
Study in areas that combine technology, the arts, and design in new, innovative ways.
Minors and Immersions
Expand your expertise by exploring secondary areas of study.
Largest in STEM
RIT is the third largest producer of undergraduate STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) degrees among all private universities in the nation.
Global Campuses
International campuses in China, Croatia (the cities of Dubrovnik and Zagreb), Dubai, and Kosovo
Experience Exceptional
Biodegradable Packaging
Carlos Diaz AcostaAssociate ProfessorDiaz Acosta's research in sustainable packaging led his class to a biodegradable solution. Developing corn-based packaging is not only being used to counteract the amount of food waste going into landfills, but also making the world a more sustainable place.
Improving Human-computer Interactions
Matt HuenerfauthProfessorImproving interactions with online platforms for those with disabilities is the ultimate goal behind Huenerfauth’s research. By training designers to create and develop more accessible websites and mobile networks, a wider audience can connect to and benefit from these technologies.
Beyond Human
Jessica WegmanPsychology MajorSeeing the world through the eyes of a different species is just one way we connect with the world around us. Through faculty-led research, Wegman is working to improve the quality of life for North American River Otters by studying their visual perception.
Expanding ASL
Tina Goudreau CollisonProfessor of ChemistryA complicated vocabulary and a lack of dedicated signs in American Sign Language makes Organic Chemistry a challenge for deaf and hard of hearing students. Collision worked with interpreters to develop new ASL signs, leading to profound learning improvements for her students.

Vibrant Community
Find Your Niche:
At RIT, you’re free to find your niche and explore your passions. Join a club, start a team, give your time to others, or take action by volunteering.

You will find your fit. RIT life embraces and celebrates what makes everyone unique. Welcoming and diverse, with a commitment to discovery, we bring goodness to society.
Student Clubs and Organizations
More than 300 student clubs and organizations host 13,000+ on- and off-campus events. You’re bound to have fun and make some friends along the way.
Countries Represented on Campus
Annual Visitors to Imagine RIT: Creativity and Innovation Festival
Showcases the innovative spirit of RIT’s students, faculty, and staff. Experience RIT through exhibits, cutting-edge research projects, and entertainment.
Varisty Athletics Teams
Division I and III athletics teams and a variety of intermural sports, wellness and recreation classes, and exciting fan experiences. Be part of a team or come cheer on the Tigers.
Experience Vibrancy
Visual Exploration
Fred Beam '85As outreach coordinator for Sunshine 2.0, a theater group at RIT's National Institute for the Deaf, Beam and his troupe provide performances and activities for deaf and hard-of-hearing children and adults that highlight the fields of deaf culture, literacy, and STEM.
Streaming Worldwide
Nate BellaviaFilm and AnimationRIT’s student-run radio station broadcasts to the Rochester community and streams worldwide. Bellavia, WITR’s music director, appreciates that RIT has a place where people who love music can bond over their passion and share that connection over the airwaves.
Connecting Kids to Science
Devon M ChristmanPhysicsOver the summer, Christman taught a workshop called “Experiments in Science” to a group of children from RIT’s Kids on Campus program. By helping to change their perspectives on who and what a scientist is, Christman is shaping the minds of tomorrow’s scientists.
Online Face-Off
Evan HirshComputer ScienceTrading gloves and helmets for a monitor and a mouse has ushered in a new era in sports: competitive, organized gaming. By mirroring professional eSports, the RIT eSports team pursues competitive gaming at the highest possible level, rivaling the excitement of traditional sports teams.

We can’t wait to meet you.