D09.0 Policies on Academic Advising

I. Introduction

The university will provide every matriculated, degree-seeking, undergraduate student comprehensive academic advising.

II. Purpose of Academic Advising

The goal of academic advising is to engage and empower each undergraduate student to make decisions that positively advance their educational, professional, and personal objectives. Academic advising will assist students with:

  • Understanding program degree requirements, including, but not limited to: course selection, course prerequisites and appropriate course sequencing, co-op requirements, and evaluation and support for timely progress towards degree completion.

  • Identification of and referral to campus resources and services in support of student success.

Additionally, advising is provided by faculty advisors in partnership with the academic advisors in the college.

III. Oversight and Responsibility for Academic Advising

The deans, with the assistance of their delegated lead for advising, are responsible for oversight of academic advising, and ensure that both coordination within the colleges (or in academic units outside the college structure), and resources in the form of trained personnel are in place to provide these services.

The Office of the Provost, through the director of the University Advising Office, provides strategic leadership to ensure consistent undergraduate advising services and resources across the university.

IV. Academic Advising Expectations

Undergraduate students will have access to a wide range of advising resources and services at RIT. Academic advising services in each academic unit or college will minimally include the following:

  • Every student will be assigned an academic advisor, and may also be assigned a faculty advisor and other advisors as deemed appropriate.

  • Every student will receive a documented academic plan of study to assist in fulfillment of degree(s) requirements.

  • Every student will receive advisement on how to interpret their degree requirements and monitor their progress toward meeting those requirements.

  • Every student will receive advisement related to academic standing and progress, including the impact(s) of academic probation and suspension.

  • Every student will receive advisement on how to navigate the course registration system.

  • Every student will have access to their academic advisor each term.

  • Every student will have an opportunity to provide feedback regarding satisfaction with their academic advising experience.

  • Every student will be referred to appropriate campus resources to increase the probability of academic success.

  • Students will receive verbal and/or written communication on advisor and advisee responsibilities and procedures for resolving academic issues that may arise.

V. Student Responsibilities

Students have the responsibility for communicating and meeting with their advisor(s), discussing anticipated or desired changes to their plan of study and consequences, and reviewing their academic plan and degree audit for accuracy.

Responsible Offices:
Faculty Senate, University Advising Office, Office of the Provost

Inquiries may be directed to:

Faculty Senate
2106 Eastman Hall

University Advising Office
1202 Eastman Hall

Effective Date:
Approved 1975

Policy History: 
Edited August 2010
Unpublished May 2013
Revised April 24, 2014
Edited January 6, 2016 to reflect change in the name of the advising office from Institute Advising Office to University Advising Office