

What is the RIT Suggestion Program?

The RIT Suggestion Program was established in 2015 to encourage RIT employees to suggest ideas that will benefit RIT by either reducing costs, or generating additional revenue.

Why are your Ideas are Important?

The success of this program depends on your active participation. Every suggestion submitted will be considered and will be evaluated.

Who is Eligible?

Only current employees are eligible to submit suggestions to the program.

What is a Suggestion?

A suggestion is a unique proposal voluntarily submitted, in writing or online that will result in a financial benefit to RIT. The mere statement of a problem without submitting a practical solution is not a suggestion.

What are the Suggestion Criteria?

Suggestions will be eligible to receive a financial award if they propose to do one or more of the following that results in a significant financial benefit:
  • Saves time, labor, materials, supplies or money
  • Results in real efficiencies
  • Avoids duplication
  • Eliminates waste
  • Generates additional revenue (excluding the addition of fees or increasing tuition)

What are Ineligible Suggestions?

Some suggestions may not be eligible for consideration. The following are types of suggestions that are not eligible for consideration in accordance with the program guidelines:
  • An idea or suggestion already under active consideration or that has already been implemented
  • Duplicate suggestions. In the event of duplicate suggestions, the suggestion received first will be the only one considered
  • Suggestions that do not meet at least one of the program's defined criteria
  • Suggestions that involve organizational changes, position assignment changes, position content changes or position reductions
  • Suggestions that fall within the scope of responsibilities listed in the employee making the suggestion's job description, or suggestions that are a logical extension of the employee's responsibilities, or suggestions that involve improvements to one's own job or efficiency
  • Suggestions where the potential benefits would not offset the cost to implement
  • Suggestions that include proposals for increases of existing fees or rates
  • Suggestions that include a proposal for a New Academic Program, (please visit the New Programs Office for more information)
  • Suggestions that contain negative, derogatory statements, complaints or grievances

What are some tips for Submitting a Suggestion

Tips for submitting a suggestion are:
  • Define the present situation completely
  • Give a specific, detailed solution to the problem
  • Be specific as possible regarding the benefits of your suggestion. For example, if your idea saves money, please state an amount and the basis for coming to your conclusions
  • Get input from your supervisor if possible
  • Additional information such as sketches, drawings or other descriptive material can be emailed to

What other suggestions have been submitted?

Please use the search function on the top right of the RIT Suggestion Program home page to search and look for prior suggestions or topics.

How Do I Submit My Suggestion?

Suggestions may be submitted by:
  • Using the online RIT Suggestion Form
    • If you have multiple suggestions please submit them separately so they can be addressed appropriately.

What Happens Once My Suggestion is Submitted?

  • Once you enter your suggestion and select the department you wish to send the suggestion to, an acknowledgment will be sent via email to you from the Suggestion Program containing the information that you submitted.
  • The department you selected will also receive an anonymized email containing the title and details of your suggestion directing the department to review and evaluate the suggestion and select an outcome.
  • After review and evaluation, the department will update the suggestion record to either Accept or Decline the suggestion and provide a public comment which will be viewable in the program archive.

How Long Will My Suggestion Be Vetted?

Accepted suggestions will be available for vetting by the RIT community for 30 days.

What are the Awards?

For any single suggestion that is accepted for potential implementation, the employee will be awarded a $25 RIT Dining Services gift card
Note: All financial awards given are taxable per IRS regulations and taxes may be withheld dependent upon the amount and type of award and awards are limited to a maxium 10 per year, per person.

When and How Do I Get My Award?

If your suggestion is accepted, you will receive an email from the RIT Suggestion Program with information on how to receive your award.

How many suggestions may I submit?

As many as you like, please submit them separately.

I just submitted my idea- when will I hear something?

You will receive an acknowledgement immediately upon submission using the online form.

How do you know which suggestion was submitted first?

Each online submission is date and time stamped.

How is my idea evaluated?

All suggestions are reviewed and evaluated by the RIT Department you selected. Each suggestion is reviewed using the same standard set of criteria.

What are the possible outcomes for my idea?

Department Evaluators much select one of the 2 possible status outcomes:

Accepted - means that the department thinks the suggestion is a good suggestion and the submitter will receive an award. Note: It is never a guarantee that the suggestion will be implemented. It may mean that the department believes this is a good suggestion and will look in to possibly implementing it or perhaps, the department may need time to research it further.

Declined - means that the department does not plan on implementing the suggestion because of a particular reason. The department will then select a “decline reason code” from the list provided (also shown below) and the department may add any comments they wish to share with the individual who made the suggestion.

Why was My Suggestion Declined?

Only suggestions that meet the specific eligibility criteria are accepted. Suggestions that are declined will receive an email from the Suggestion Program with a declined reason code that explains why the department declined the suggestion and includes comments from the department evaluator if they chose to provide any additional comments for the submitter. The department may also provide public comments that will be viewable on the suggestion record in the program archive.

What Are the Declined Reason Codes?

Declined reason code descriptions and the message that will be displayed and sent to the submitter:
  • AAP - Already a current practice or policy of the University
  • ABC - Already been Considered or Implemented by the University (Duplicate)
  • AUC - Already under Consideration (Duplicate)
  • DMC - Does not meet the Program Criteria
  • ITS - ITS Suggestions are not part of the program- please enter a ticket with the ITS Helpdesk for computer-related issues at call 585-475-4357
  • SAF - Safety Suggestions are not part of the program please call Public Safety at 585-475-3333 for assistance

Who Adminstrers the RIT Suggestion Program?

The RIT Suggestion program is administered by the RIT Human Resources Department.

Who owns the suggestion?

Suggestions submitted become the exclusive property of Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Decisions made by RIT regarding eligibility, adoption, rejection and awards are final. RIT has the exclusive authority to make the policy and determine the rules governing the operation of the RIT Suggestion Program. RIT also reserves the right to amend or modify the suggestion program at any time with or without notice to current employees and students.

Who do I contact if I have further questions?

For general questions, please contact

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