



Suggestion Criteria

Suggestions will be eligible to receive an award if they do one or more of the following that results in a financial benefit:

  • Saves time, labor, materials, supplies or money
  • Results in efficiencies
  • Avoids duplication
  • Eliminates waste
  • Generates additional revenue without increasing fees or tuition.


Program Eligibility

Current regular employees (faculty and staff) are eligible to submit suggestions to the program.


Ineligible Suggestions

Some suggestions may not be eligible for reward consideration. The following are types of suggestions that are not eligible for consideration in accordance with the program guidelines: 

  • An idea or suggestion already under active consideration or that has already been implemented
  • Duplicate suggestions. In the event of duplicate suggestions, the suggestion received first will be the only one considered.
  • Suggestions that do not meet at least one of the program’s defined criteria
  • Suggestions that involve organizational changes, position assignment changes, position content changes or position reductions
  • Suggestions that fall within the scope of responsibilities listed in the employee making the suggestion’s job description, or suggestions that are a logical extension of the employee’s responsibilities, or suggestions that involve improvements to one’s own job or efficiency are not eligible for an award
  • Suggestions where the potential benefits would clearly not offset the cost to implement.
  • Suggestions that include proposals for increases of existing fees or rates
  • Suggestions that include a proposal for a New Academic Program, (please visit the New Programs Office for more information)
  • Suggestions that contain negative, derogatory statements, complaints or grievances



Suggestions submitted become the exclusive property of Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Decisions made by RIT regarding eligibility, adoption, rejection and awards are final. RIT has the exclusive authority to make the policy and determine the rules governing the operation of the RIT Suggestion Program. RIT also reserves the right to amend or modify the suggestion program at any time with or without notice to current employees and students.



Roles & Responsibilities


I. Program Director 

The RIT Suggestion Program Director, appointed by the SVP of Finance and Administration, shall administer the RIT Suggestion Program in conjunction with the Office of Budget and Financial Services.

Role of the Program Director

The Program Director shall

Oversee the Suggestion Program, The Program Admin and the distribution of awards.


II. Program Admin

The Program Admin is appointed by the Program Director and shall provide administration of the program.

Role of the Program Admin

The Suggestion Program Admin shall:

  1. Ensures compliance with program guidelines and the orderly processing of suggestions and award payments.
  2. Maintains an accurate Department List and Contacts
  3. Redirects suggestions to the appropriate department or departments for evaluation and consultation if necessary.
  4. Provides maintenance and oversight of the Public Vetting content.
  5. Verifies that upon department completion the Public Note field was updated with a note that details the final outcome for the suggestion along with the reviewer's name and contact information.
  6. Provides status reports to the Program Director upon request.
  7. Maintains guidelines and procedures for the administration, promotion, publicity and maintenance of the Suggestion Program.
  8. Submits approved financial award payments for recipients.
  9. Administers, promotes, publicizes and maintains the Program and all related correspondence.


III. Department Evaluation

When departments (via their assigned contacts) receive suggestions, it is the responsibility of department to select qualified, objective individuals to review and evaluate and if possible implement suggestions that meet the criteria of the program.

Role of the Department Evaluator

The Department Evaluator shall

  1. Review and respond to suggestions that require department evaluation within 30 calendar days from the receipt of the request. If the department requires more time to complete it's investigation it must notify the program admin, indicating when the investigation will be complete.
  2. Update the suggestion record with the final outcome of either an Accept or Decline.
  3. Post a Public Note on the Suggestion record with its findings or decision.
  4. The Public Note shall include the following information where available:

For Accepted Submissions: Public Notes Should include:

  • Sample Notes:

"Thank you for the Suggestion:

Your Suggestion has been accepted and we will work to try and implement the suggestion if possible.


--Name, Title, Dept, Email Address"

  • Information that could also be included in your note:
    • Reasons you think it is a good suggestion.
    • An estimate of the cost of implementation and a recommendation on the amortization of the cost of adoption of the suggestion.
    • An estimate of the period of time over which the savings will occur.
    • A statement as to whether consideration of the suggestion has led or is likely to lead to any alternate or modified solutions of the problem the suggestion modifies.

For Declined Submissions: Public Notes Should Include:

  • Sample Notes:

"Thank you for the Suggestion:

Your Suggestion has been not been accepted because this topic has already been considered by the University.


--Name, Title, Dept, Email Address"

  • Be sure to include:
    • Reasons for the decline shall be stated.
    • A statement as to whether the suggestion proposes something which is already or has been under active consideration by management with clear, written documentation that this is the case. (Note: this will be posted on the Suggestion Archive Webpage so others can see the response and the reason for rejection)
    • The evaluator's signature including, Name, Title, Dept Name and email address.


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