RIT Men's Soccer Holiday ID Clinic

RIT Men's Soccer invites you to join us for a great athletic experience.

Our ID clinics provides the opportunity for prospective student athletes to be exposed to training and be evaluated by the RIT soccer coaching staff.

Camp Information

(Boys, Grades 9 and up)

Camp Dates

December 27


August 21 - December 26

Camp Fee



Contact Bill Garno via email

Registration is no longer available for this camp.

Training sessions will provide players an opportunity to improve their technical ability and tactical knowledge of the game. RIT’s coaching staff will instruct & evaluate players within a challenging environment that promotes playing in both small-sided and full-sided game scenarios. Prospective players and their families will participate in a Q&A session with the coaching staff and current student athletes from our team.


High School Aged Boys (Grades 9th and Up)


Clinic fee - $125 includes instruction and clinic jersey


Please bring molded/or turf shoes for field turf and shin guards.

Camp Directors

Bill Garno, Head Coach RIT Men's Soccer
Yuri Lavrynenko, Associate Head Coach, RIT Men's Soccer
Kevin May, Assistant Coach, RIT Men's Soccer

Clinic Itinerary (subject to change)

Fri, Dec 27th

9:40am - 10:00am ID Clinic sign-in at Frank Ritter Arena
10:00am - 11:20am Session 1: Technical/Tactical small-sided games
11:20am - 11:30am Break
11:30am - 1:00pm Session 2: 7 v 7 games
1:00pm - 1:30pm

Q&A Panel Discussion with coaches and current members of RIT Men's Soccer team

Parents welcome


People playing soccer on a field

Pickup Policy

To track all drop-offs and pickups of children, parents/guardians are required to sign children in/out on the daily attendance sheet. Staff are not permitted to sign these sheets on behalf of parents/guardians.

Generally, persons picking up children must be at least 18 years of age and bring a valid photo identification. In exceptional circumstances, and only with the parent/guardian’s written consent, a younger individual may be permitted to pick up a child.

Discount Policy

For all Men’s Soccer Camps excluding HS Age children due to NCAA rules:

  • Children of Camp staff may attend for only the cost of shirts and meals.  Participant will register as any other camper without making payment and submit reduced rate as determined by camp director to the camp director via cash/check.
  • Financial Hardship, if expressed by a parent/guardian, may allow for a reduced rate covering shirt/meals/portion of facility/other charges if there are enough attendees to be able to absorb the difference within the budget as determined by camp director.  If there are not enough attendees to absorb this additional expense, a reduced rate may not be offered.  The amount due may vary between camps.  Participant will register as any other camper without making payment and pay the reduced rate to the camp director via cash/check.

For camp related questions please contact the coach below.

Bill Garno
Head Men's Soccer Coach