RIT Wrestling Spring Prospect Day - Apr 12th, 2025

This prospect camp is designed to give high school FRESHMAN, SOPHOMORE, JUNIOR and SENIOR wrestlers the opportunity to maximize their potential through technical development, hard drilling, and live wrestling.

Camp Information

Camp Dates

April 12


February 14 - April 11

Camp Fee



Contact Jason Bovenzi via email

This camp will allow campers to train, meet the coaching staff, and gain visibility with the RIT coaching staff.  All campers will also receive a t-shirt.
Be sure to sign up quickly, as 30 is the maximum number of participants for this camp.

Full refunds will be given only to those who request them prior to the event.  Please allow up to 2 weeks after the conclusion of the event for processing.

Pickup Policy

To track all drop-offs and pickups of children, parents/guardians are required to sign children in/out on the daily attendance sheet. Staff are not permitted to sign these sheets on behalf of parents/guardians.

Generally, persons picking up children must be at least 18 years of age and bring a valid photo identification. In exceptional circumstances, and only with the parent/guardian’s written consent, a younger individual may be permitted to pick up a child.

For further information or questions regarding the Academy please contact:
Jason Bovenzi


Earl Fuller Wrestling Room @ RIT
3 Lomb Memorial Dr, Rochester, NY 14623


Saturday, April 12th

Registration: 11:30am-noon                                                   
Session I: Technique and Instruction Noon-1:30pm
Session II: Live Wrestling 2:00pm- 3pm
Session III: Late lunch, Coaches Meet and Greet/Roundtable Discussion 3:30pm-4:30pm  
Optional:  RIT Campus Tour 4:45pm-6pm  

Required – Mouth piece, wrestling shoes, head gear, change of clothes (as needed)
Optional – Water bottle and a change of clothes

Limited to first 30 wrestlers

For all Wrestling Camps excluding HS Age children due to NCAA rules:
- Wrestling Head Coach/Assistant Coach’s children may attend for only the cost of shirts and meals eaten.  They will register as any other camper without making payment, and pay the reduced rate to the camp director via cash/check.  Jason Bovenzi (Camp Director) will email Analyst/University Sports Camp Counselor (Jason Ells) the names of the children and the amounts they owe.  Once paid they will be marked as “paid” online and the email will be saved as back-up.
- Financial Hardship, if expressed by a parent/guardian, will allow for a reduced rate paying only for tee/meals/portion of facility/other charges if there is enough attendees to be able to absorb the difference within the budget.  If there are not enough attendees to allow for room in the budget to absorb this additional expense, a reduced rate cannot be offered.  The amount they pay will vary between camps.  They will register as any other camper without making payment, and pay the reduced rate to the camp director via cash/check.  Jason Bovenzi (Camp Director) will email Analyst/University Sports Camp Counselor (Jason Ells) the names of the children and the amounts they owe.  Once paid they will be marked as “paid” online and the email will be saved as back-up.

For camp related questions please contact the coach below.

Jason Bovenzi
Head Coach Wrestling