Share your achievements with Merit

Did you make the Dean’s List this fall? RIT wants you to share your good news with friends and family through Merit. You should have received an email with a link to your Merit story.

Merit lets students share their successes — such as making the Dean’s List, joining a club or fraternity, studying abroad, getting a job and even graduating — with their friends and family through their social media networks. Each RIT student has a Merit profile page. Claim your page by going to the RIT Merit webpage and searching for your name, then click the "Is this you?" link.

Students can upload photos and post activities such as joining a club or starting a co-op. University News writes stories about official achievements, such as making the Dean’s List or joining the Honors Program. These stories are posted to the students’ profiles and sent to the students’ hometown newspapers and state representatives, based on their ZIP code. Students can also share their achievements through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Tumblr.

Merit also lets students keep their friends, parents, and others updated with the “follow” feature. Much like Facebook and Twitter, students can let others follow their achievements, as well as follow fellow Merit users.

University News uses Merit in accordance with RIT’s student privacy policy. Students may choose to opt-out of the Merit program at any time by logging into their profile and clicking the opt-out link at the bottom of the page.

For more information, go to the Merit Website or email To see a list of recently granted achievements, go to the RIT Merit webpage.

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