Service Leadership and Innovation Advanced Certificate

Focus on crafting systems and strategies to achieve growth in your organization.

Overview for Service Leadership and Innovation Adv. Cert.

The advanced certificate in service leadership and innovation provides a curriculum that focuses on the elements of system design and future scenarios to develop strategy, and on organizing plans to achieve future aspirations. This certificate is appropriate for CEO and COO’s oriented to helping their organizations achieve sustainable growth capitalizing on their human potential as well as those interested in evolving into these roles within a human resource department.

Students may later apply the credits earned in the advanced certificate to the MS degree program in service leadership and innovation.

What is a graduate certificate?

A graduate certificate, also called an advanced certificate, is a selection of up to five graduate level courses in a particular area of study. It can serve as a stand-alone credential that provides expertise in a specific topic that enhances your professional knowledge base, or it can serve as the entry point to a master's degree. Some students complete an advanced certificate and apply those credit hours later toward a master's degree.


Curriculum Update in Process for 2024-2025 for Service Leadership and Innovation Adv. Cert.

Current Students: See Curriculum Requirements

Service Leadership and Innovation, advanced certificate, typical course sequence

Course Sem. Cr. Hrs.
First Year
Service Design Fundamentals
Service design is a holistic design process. It uses skills from a variety of disciplines (design, management and process engineering) to develop models to create new services or to improve existing services in the most efficient and effective manner possible. The emphasis of the process is to provide value to the customer; as a service differentiator or create unique experiences for the customer. Service design uses methods and tools from a variety of disciplines to assist with the analysis and creation of enhanced systems. These tools include; mapping, blueprinting, analysis of customer behavior, market analysis, service marketing, and service recovery. The outcome of this course is to provide students with the fundamentals of service design thinking to allow them to lead the efforts of systematic design in a variety of disciplines. (SVCLED-MS, HSPT-MS) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
Service Scenario and Strategy Development
The service world has many examples of once-successful companies that failed to accomplish the primary goal of every organization: consistently design, deliver value to customers and other key stakeholder groups in a highly competitive and ever-changing service environment. Today’s organizational leaders must be able to develop and implement strategies that ensure the continued competitiveness of their organizations, and identify and leverage opportunities for growth and innovation brought about by change. Firmly grounded in the fundamentals of strategy development this course prepares students to create and sustain competitive advantage; and to apply key foresight techniques including scenario planning to anticipate future opportunities. Lecture 3 (Spring, Summer).
Project Management in the Service Sector
Managing public and private sector projects is a complex, demanding process involving ethical considerations, leadership, the ability to understand complex rules and regulations, the politics of the administration and the vagaries of the budget process. This conceptual framework will address planning, selection of team members, contracts and agreements, monitoring and adjusting the project progress and completion of the project through turnkey stages. The end result of this process is to contribute to establishment of trust of the stakeholders, minimize failure and maximize success. (Prerequisites: SERQ-710 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
Data Mining in the Service Sector
To gather and analyze public/private service sector information to inform decisions is the goal of every public/private sector administration. Data can drive success of governments and organizations or lead to their downfall. This course will explore data mining used in the public/private sector, how to gather it and utilize the results of the data collections to inform decisions that reflect the needs and desires of the stakeholders in this sector. Lecture 3 (Fall).
Total Semester Credit Hours