Doshisha University

Location: Kyoto, Japan

Course Discipline: Japanese Language & Culture

Credits: 12 to 15

Program Type: RIT Exchange Program

Term(s): Spring

Language of Instruction: English, Japanese



Open To:

RIT Students only

Doshisha University (Exchange Program)

Doshisha University is one of the oldest private universities in Japan. For over 145 years, the university has provided a quality education based on the values of integrity, respect for individuality, independent thinking, and cultural understanding. Exchange students have the opportunity to study Japanese language and culture in the ancient city of Kyoto, known as the cultural heart of Japan. Japanese language courses help students develop skills in listening, speaking, reading comprehension, and writing. Students can complement their language studies with courses on Japanese culture and society and international studies. When not in class, students can explore the beautiful city of Kyoto with its World Heritage sites, restaurants, shops, and parks.

Spring Semester (please note that the spring semester in Japan runs from March through July)
Academic Year (fall/spring)

Total Credits: 12-15
Students take courses in Japanese language (beginning to advanced), Japanese grammar, international studies, and Japanese studies.

Select courses are taught in English. In order to take courses in Japanese language, students are required to have studied Japanese at a college level for at least one year at the time of enrollment.

Program is open to students from RIT College of Liberal Arts - 3rd or 4th year. Participation in this program requires a nomination by your department. For more information regarding this process, contact Yukiko Maru in the RIT Department of Modern Languages and Cultures (

Application deadlines:
Spring semester - September 15th
Academic year (fall/spring) - March 1st

Program Cost & Financial Aid

Program Cost: Doshisha Exchange Student budget worksheet (spring 2025 semester) - outlines all program costs

Financial Aid:
Financial aid may cover some program costs. As you review the budget worksheet, please remember that it does not include your RIT financial aid or scholarships which may cover some of the program costs. The purpose of the budget worksheet is to show all the costs associated with your study abroad program which will help your RIT Financial Aid Assistant Director determine how your aid and scholarships may be applied. 

To understand how your financial aid and scholarships may apply to your program costs:

  • Make an appointment with your financial aid assistant director (call Financial Aid at 585-475-2186) and mention that you are calling for a study abroad appointment
  • Upload a copy of your budget worksheet(s) via the Financial Aid upload portal at (at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled meeting, so they have time to prepare) 
    • Please rename the file name of your budget worksheet before uploading it to the Financial Aid portal based on the instructions provided in the portal (adding your name and student ID)

To find out the name of your financial aid assistant director for your degree program visit:

We recommend you meet with Financial Aid before the application deadline so you understand how your aid will apply. The RIT financial aid office is located in Bausch and Lomb Center (Bldg. 77), 2nd floor, 2125.


  • RIT Education Abroad Travel Grants ($500-$1,000)
    All students with pending applications in the RIT Study Abroad Compass for this program will be automatically considered for an RIT Education Abroad Travel Grant. You will be informed of your scholarship status shortly after the application deadline. Scholarships awarded based on financial need.

  • Other scholarships: RIT Study Abroad ScholarshipsNational Study Abroad Scholarships

To Apply

1) Make an appointment to meet with the study abroad advisor for this program, Myles Chalue - choose date and time
2) Start an application in the Compass.


Yukiko Maru
Principal Lecturer
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts