Ecology of the Dalmatian Coast & The Roots of the Croatian Wine Tradition (Summer)

Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia

Course Discipline:

  • Ecology
  • Environmental Science
  • International Hospitality and Service Management

Credits: 6

Program Type: RIT Global Campus

Term(s): Summer

Language of Instruction: English



Open To:

RIT Students

Ecology of the Dalmatian Coast & The Roots of the Croatian Wine Tradition

Spend four weeks exploring the natural beauty of Croatia, its diverse ecosystems, and wine-making history, methods, and techniques.

  • Combine classroom-based study with field learning excursions and guided tours that will take you to coastal areas, national parks, and wine regions outside of Dubrovnik.
  • Participate in a week-long sailing excursion that will take you to the coastal islands in the Adriatic Sea to study the local ecosystems that have influenced the rich history of Croatian wine culture.
  • Pay discounted tuition for 6 credits.
  • Scholarships are available!

Note: the application deadline for the summer 2025 program has passed. Email to inquire about next year's program.

Watch a short video from the 2019 program:

Program Term: Summer
Program Dates: May 16 - June 14, 2025

Course Details:
ENVS-150 - Ecology of the Dalmatian Coast
This course is an introduction to population, community, and ecosystem ecology, stressing the dynamic interrelationships of plant and animal communities of the Dalmatian Coast in Croatia. 4 credits

HSPT 161 - Wines of the World
This course is an introduction to the global wine history, vineyard methods, production techniques, grape characteristics, sensory evaluation, marketing and distribution. 2 credits

No pre-requisites. Open to all undergraduate majors.

Application deadline for the Summer 2025 program has been reached.

To Apply

1) Make an appointment with study abroad advisor Myles Chalue, to go over the required application steps - choose date and time

Program Cost & Financial Aid

Program Cost: Student budget worksheet (Ecology of the Dalmatian Coast, summer 2025) - outlines all program costs. You will pay discounted tuition (for 6 credits), a program fee, and out-of-pocket expenses. An updated budget for the summer 2026 program will be available in fall 2025.

Financial Aid - Meet with RIT Financial Aid BEFORE the application deadline
Financial aid may cover some program costs. As you review the budget worksheet, please remember that it does not include your RIT financial aid or scholarships, which may cover some of the program costs. The purpose of the budget worksheet is to show all the costs associated with your study abroad program, which will help your RIT Financial Aid Assistant Director determine how your aid and scholarships may be applied. 

To understand how your financial aid and scholarships may apply to your program costs:

  • Make an appointment with your financial aid assistant director (call Financial Aid at 585-475-2186) and mention that you are calling for a study abroad appointment.
  • Upload a copy of your budget worksheet(s) via the Financial Aid upload portal at (at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled meeting so they have time to prepare) 
    • Please rename the file name of your budget worksheet before uploading it to the Financial Aid portal based on the instructions provided in the portal (adding your name and student ID)
    • Choose “Other Financial Aid Forms and Documentation” as your document type in the Financial Aid portal.
  • To find out the name of your financial aid assistant director for your degree program visit:

We recommend you meet with Financial Aid before the application deadline so you understand how your aid will apply. The RIT financial aid office is located in Bausch and Lomb Center (Bldg. 77), 2nd floor, 2125.

RIT scholarships and national scholarships for study abroad are good options to explore for scholarship funding. Make sure you are checking scholarship eligibility requirements and take note of scholarship deadlines. More about undergraduate scholarships for study abroad


Myles Chalue
Global Programs Manager
Study Abroad Advisor - Global Campus & Exchange Programs
RIT Education Abroad

Make an advising appointment with Myles: