RIT Croatia - Dubrovnik (Semester)

Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia

Course Discipline:

  • Accounting
  • Computing
  • Information Technology
  • International Hospitality and Service Management
  • Liberal Arts
  • Business

Credits: 12 to 15

Program Type: RIT Direct Enroll Program

Term(s): Fall

Language of Instruction: English



Open To:

RIT Students

RIT Croatia - Dubrovnik

With campuses in both the small coastal city of Dubrovnik and the capital city of Zagreb, RIT Croatia enrolls over 600 students from within Croatia and throughout Europe, Australia, South America, and the US.

Dubrovnik is a unique destination that magnificently combines the natural beauty of the pristine Adriatic Sea and mountainous Croatian landscape with outstanding architecture and old-world charm. The stunning city of Dubrovnik, with its historic Old Town, became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979. The gleaming marble streets are lined with baroque buildings and Renaissance fountains and has recently become the setting for the popular television series “Game of Thrones”. The history of Dubrovnik is a fascinating study of the rise of a great maritime power that lived in peace and prosperity for nearly five centuries. But Dubrovnik is so much more than a fascinating Old Town. It is a first-class Adriatic resort completed with beautiful pebble beaches and vibrant nightlife.

When you are in Dubrovnik, your learning will continue beyond the classroom walls. Visit the ancient Roman salt flats that are still in production today. Attend numerous cultural festivities that are unique to the Dalmatian Coast. Sit at one of the many sidewalk cafes and listen to your classmates' stories. Walk atop the city walls, hike, or take a ferry to one of the many nearby islands. Live and learn in Dubrovnik and experience its captivating, charming, and beautiful atmosphere.

Program Details 

  • Term: Fall or Spring Semester
  • Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia 
  • Total Credits: 12-18
  • Application deadlines: Fall semester - April 15; Spring semester - October 1

More about studying abroad at RIT Croatia in Dubrovnik, including dates, deadlines, housing, excursions, and dining.

Students typically take at least 12 credits (4 courses) during their academic term abroad. Your department advisor can review and pre-approve the RIT courses offered at RIT Croatia to ensure you stay on track with your degree program. The academic calendar aligns closely with the RIT calendar and consists of two semesters, each 16 weeks long.

The course descriptions for classes offered at RIT Croatia can be found on RIT SIS. To display the course offerings, change the location at the bottom of the search page to the appropriate campus. The course offerings for the Global Campuses are typically released later than the course offerings for RIT Rochester. However, the course offerings are fairly consistent from year to year, so using the previous year’s course offerings as a tentative list is appropriate.

List of recent courses offered at RIT Croatia in Dubrovnik (course offerings are typically consistent year to year) - Fall 2024 coursesSpring 2025 courses

Courses are available in:
- Business
- Computing
- Hospitality & Tourism Management
- Information Technology
- Liberal Arts

Students studying abroad at an RIT Global Campus will be registered for their courses by the RIT Education Abroad Office (you cannot register yourself for Global Campus courses in SIS). You will work with your study abroad advisor to find available courses and complete the Global Campus Course Selection form. The RIT Education Abroad Office uses the Course Selection Form to register you for your chosen courses abroad.

To Apply

1) Make an appointment with a study abroad advisor to go over the required application steps - choose a date and time
2) Start an application in the Compass.

Program Cost & Financial Aid

Student budget worksheets - outlines all program costs. Students should take a copy of this worksheet to their financial aid advisor early in the application process to determine how their aid may apply to the program cost.

Financial Aid:
Financial aid may cover some program costs. As you review the budget worksheet, please remember that it does not include your RIT financial aid or scholarships, which may cover some of the program costs. The purpose of the budget worksheet is to show all the costs associated with your study abroad program, which will help your RIT Financial Aid Assistant Director determine how your aid and scholarships may be applied. 

To understand how your financial aid and scholarships may apply to your program costs:

  • Make an appointment with your financial aid assistant director (call Financial Aid at 585-475-2186) and mention that you are calling for a study abroad appointment
  • Upload a copy of your budget worksheet(s) via the Financial Aid upload portal at https://join.rit.edu/register/FA_upload (at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled meeting so they have time to prepare) 
  • Please rename the file name of your budget worksheet before uploading it to the Financial Aid portal based on the instructions provided in the portal (adding your name and student ID)
  • To find out the name of your financial aid assistant director for your degree program visit: https://www.rit.edu/admissions/aid/contact#counseling-team

We recommend you meet with Financial Aid before the application deadline so you understand how your aid will apply. The RIT financial aid office is located in Bausch and Lomb Center (Bldg. 77), 2nd floor, 2125.

RIT scholarships and national scholarships for study abroad are good options to explore for scholarship funding. Make sure you are checking scholarship eligibility requirements and take note of scholarship deadlines. More about undergraduate scholarships for study abroad


Myles Chalue
Global Programs Manager
Study Abroad Advisor - Global Campus & Exchange Programs
RIT Education Abroad

Make an advising appointment with Myles: https://calendly.com/m_chalue