Wagner, Jeffrey and Zachary Grzelka. "Constellation IP and Environmental Quality." Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 17. 7 (2024): 1-9. Print.
Dharawat, Nikhil and Jeffrey Wagner. "Teaching Marginal Revenue Product of Labor and Capital Using Elite Athlete Salaries and Pollution Control Examples." Journal of Economics Teaching. (2024): 1-13. Web.
Schwall, Aaron and Jeffrey Wagner. "The Persistence of Worthless Patents?" World Patent Information 72. March (2023): 102179. Print.
Stranlund, John and Jeffrey Wagner. "Tort Reform and Contingent Incomplete Liability." Economics Bulletin 43. 4 (2023): 1718-1729. Web.
Multala, Brendan, Jeffrey Wagner, and Yiwei Wang. "Durability Standards and Clothing Libraries for Strengthening Sustainable Clothing Markets." Ecological Economics 194. (2022): 107358. Print.
Wagner, Jeffrey. "Concrete Strategies for Economics Tenure-Track Faculty and Their Mentors." Eastern Economic Journal 47. 3 (2021): 449-459. Print.
Wagner, Jeffrey. "Optimal Deterrence under Misperception of the Probability of Apprehension and the Magnitude of Sanctions." Economics Bulletin 41. 3 (2021): 2080-2088. Web.
Grzelka, Zachary and Jeffrey Wagner. "Managing Satellite Debris in Low-Earth Orbit: Incentivizing Ex Ante Satellite Quality and Ex Post Take-Back Programs." Environmental and Resource Economics 74. 1 (2019): 319-336. Print.
Hellman, Kelly, et al. "Estimating the Economic Impact of Stormwater Runoff in the Allen Creek Watershed." Ecological Economics 145. (2018): 420-429. Print.
Sprague, Christopher and Jeffrey Wagner. "Economic Motivations for Software Bug Bounties." Economics Bulletin 38. 1 (2018): 550-557. Web.
Wagner, Jeffrey. "Humanities as Technology in Teaching Economics." International Review of Economics Education 25. (2017): 35-40. Print.
Schreck, Maximilian and Jeffrey Wagner. "Incentivizing Secondary Raw Material Markets for Sustainable Waste Management." Waste Management 67. (2017): 354-359. Print.
Hebda, Cam and Jeffrey Wagner. "Nudging Healthy Food Consumption and Sustainability in Food Deserts." Letters in Spatial & Resource Sciences 9. (2016): 57-71. Print.
Stone, Jonathan and Jeffrey Wagner. "Fairness and Efficiency in US Revolutionary War Takings and Post-War Debt Redemption." Constitutional Political Economy 27. (2016): 399-417. Print.
Krystofik, Mark, Jeffrey Wagner, and Gabrielle Gaustad. "Leveraging Intellectual Property Rights to Encourage Green Product Design and Remanufacturing for Sustainable Waste Management." Resources, Conservation, and Recycling 97. (2015): 44-54. Print.
Wagner, Jeffrey. "A Framework for Undergraduate Research in Economics." Southern Economic Journal 82. 2 (2015): 668-672. Print.
Macksamie, Kevin, Jeffrey Wagner, and Juan Cockburn. "Feedback Control for Ecosystem Management: The Case of Wolf-Elk-Hunting Dynamics in the US Mountain West." Journal of Mountain Science 11. 4 (2014): 850-865. Print.
Kinler, Kyle and Jeffrey Wagner. "Greenness Versus Safety in Vehicle Footprint Selection." Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 7. 1 (2014): 35-45. Print.
Petre, Alex and Jeffrey Wagner. "Green Consumption Under Misperceived Prices: An Application to Active Transportation." Southern Economic Journal 80. 1 (2013): 187-204. Print.
Wagner, Jeffrey. "American Georgics and Globalization: Literary and Economic Co-evolution in Three Enclosure Movements." Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 20. 1 (2013): 71-84. Print.
Longo, Christine and Jeffrey Wagner. "Bridging Legal and Economic Perspectives on Interstate Municipal Solid Waste Disposal in the U.S." Waste Management 31. 1 (2011): 147-153. Print.
Wagner, Jeffrey. "Incentivizing Sustainable Waste Management." Ecological Economics 70. 4 (2011): 585-594. Print.
Pugliese, Tyler and Jeffrey Wagner. "Competing Impure Public Goods and the Sustainability of the Theater Arts." Economics Bulletin 31. 2 (2011): 1295-1303. Web.