Nabil Nasr Headshot

Nabil Nasr

Associate Provost Academic Affairs and Director of GIS

Golisano Institute for Sustainability
Member of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) International Resource Panel (IRP)
CEO of the REMADE Institute
Founding Director
Center for Remanufacturing and Resource Recovery

Office Location

Nabil Nasr

Associate Provost Academic Affairs and Director of GIS

Golisano Institute for Sustainability
Member of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) International Resource Panel (IRP)
CEO of the REMADE Institute
Founding Director
Center for Remanufacturing and Resource Recovery


BS, Helwan University (Egypt); M.Eng., Pennsylvania State University; MS, Ph.D., Rutgers University


Dr. Nabil Nasr is an internationally-recognized leader in the effort to build a regenerative, sustainable industrial economy through research and education. Systems thinking, technological possibility, and interdisciplinarity are cornerstones of Nabil’s work. As an expert advisor and delegate to a variety of forward-looking organizations, Nabil is an authoritative voice on the role of sustainability research and technology in attaining a more prosperous economy.

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Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Published Conference Proceedings
Franconi, Allessio, et al. "A Multi-hierarchical “Design for X” Framework for Accelerating Circular Economy." Proceedings of the PLATE Conference, Sept. 18-20 2019 Berlin, Germany. Ed. Nils F. Nissen, Melanie Jaeger-Erben. Berlin, Germany: n.p., Web.
Nasr, Nabil, Brian Hilton, and Robert German. "A Framework for Sustainable Production and a Strategic Approach to a Key Enabler: Remanufacturing." Proceedings of the 8th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing: Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing, November 22-24, 2010, Abu Dhabi. Ed. Gunther Seliger, Marwan M. K. Khraisheh, and I. S. Jawahir. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2011. Print.
Journal Paper
Bauer, Tom, et al. "Characterization of Circular Strategies to Better Design Circular Industrial Systems." Journal of Remanufacturing 10. (2020): 161-176. Print.
Nasr, Nabil, et al. "Design for Sharing, Incentivizing Circular Bike Sharing Systems." Review of Studies on Sustainability. 1 (2019): 93-120. Print.
Nasr, Nabil, et al. "The Effect of Remanufacturing and Direct Reuse on Resource Productivity of China’s Automotive Production." Journal of Cleaner Production 194. September (2018): 309-317. Print.
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Invited Keynote/Presentation
Nasr, Nabil. "Sustainable Production and the Circular Economy." Virtual Digital Transformation Roundtable. Council of Councils. n/a, n/a. 5 Nov. 2020. Keynote Speech.
Nasr, Nabil. "Advancing Circular Economy in Consumer Electronics." Virtual - 26th Meeting of the UN Environment Programme International Resource Panel and its Steering Committee. United Nations Environment Programme. n/a, n/a. 21 Oct. 2020. Keynote Speech.
Nasr, Nabil. "New Initiatives in the Circular Economy." Reverse Logistics Association (RLA) Virtual European Summit. Reverse Logistics Association. n/a, n/a. 30 Sep. 2020. Keynote Speech.
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Book Chapter
Nasr, Nabil and Jennifer Russell. "Value-Retention Processes within the Circular Economy." Remanufacturing in the Circular Economy Operations, Engineering and Logistics. Ed. Nabil Z. Nasr. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2019. 1-29. Print.
Nasr, Nabil. "Remanufacturing and the Circular Economy." A New Dynamic 2 Effective Systems In A Circular Economy. Ed. Ken Webster, et al. London, N/A: Ellen MacArthur Foundation Publishing, 2016. 107-127. Print.
Nasr, Nabil and Mitsutaka Matsumoto. "Remanufacturing as an Enabler for Green Service Models." Services and the Green Economy. Ed. Andrew Jones, et al. London, N/A: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 75-98. Print.
Invited Article/Publication
Nasr, Nabil. "Mapping out the Worldwide Circular Economy." ISE Magazine. (2019). Print.
Nasr, Nabil. "Disruptive Innovations and the Circular Economy." ISE Magazine. (2019). Print.
Nasr, Nabil. "New York's Climate Change Move." ISE Magazine. (2019). Print.
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Journal Editor
Realff, Matthew, Jan Lerou, and Michael Rinker, ed. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing. Atlanta: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2018. Web.
National/International Competition Award Winner
Nasr, N. Remanufacturing Industries Council. 2017 ACE Award. Rochester, NY, 2017.
Nasr, N. Rochester Engineering Society. 2017 Engineer of Distinction. Rochester, NY, 2017.
Nasr, N. Rochester Business Journal and Rochester Technology and Manufacturing Association. Chairperson's Award, Technology and Manufacturing Award. Rochester, NY, 2017.
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Full Patent
Nasr, Nabil and Mark Walluk. "Three Dimensional Non-Shadowing Sterilizer." U.S. Patent 62/360,697. 11 Jul. 2016.
Invited Paper
Nasr, Nabil Z. "Lessons About Water." Industrial Engineer. (2013). Print.
Nasr, Nabil Z. "The Circular Economy is Going Global." Industrial Engineer. (2013). Print.
Nasr, Nabil Z. "The Energy Mix." Industrial Engineer. (2013). Print.
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