Paintings by Steven W. Justice - As Above, So Below


Artist Link: Steve Justice

A mind-blowing technicolor installation of satirical portrait paintings depicting scientists, musicians, poets, saints, and sinners – Steven W. Justice (b. 1956) exults in and examines a plethora of personalities and introduces unlikely partnerships on multi-hued and patterned canvases. The exhibition will take command of the twenty vertical feet of exhibition space in University Gallery.

“I constantly feed my own Art Machine at the front end with all sorts of art, music, literature, experience and things spiritual and always consciously have multiple paintings in various stages of completion in progress at the back end. That’s when a painting is more likely to take over and begin painting itself.” - Steven W. Justice

Steven W. Justice was born in Homestead, PA (Pittsburgh) USA. In his formative years of stone and steel, Justice showed an early aptitude for art. He studied at the Carnegie Institute under Joseph C. Fitzpatrick, who also taught Andy Warhol. After completing a multi-year design career for consumer and commercial products for clients including FTD, Coke, and Goodyear, Justice delved into a fulltime pursuit of large scale satirical oil portraits.

During a 6-year hiatus in Hong Kong with his wife, Dr. Lorraine Justice, Steven focused on drawing and printmaking. Now residing in Rochester, NY, he is committed to entertaining, enlightening, and educating viewers through his art. Justice has exhibited widely for thirty years and has garnered a number of awards and honors. 

Colorful and cartoonish portrait of Aldous Huxley wearing glasses shaped like a bicycle. A bright halo of alternating bands of color behind his head.
Colorful and cartoonish image of the Bodhisattva seated surrounded by lotus flowers and leaves. All in blue and green hues.

Green Bodhisattva in Repose

Colorful and cartoonish image of a bearded man in a US. General's blue military uniform seated in a chair with arms crossed. White dog with glasses and bow tie stands on a stool next to him

Sherman and Peabody

Colorful and cartoonish character of Louis Armstrong wearing a plaid jacket leaning back playing a saxophone from with a miniature man -  a characture of Dizzy Gillespie emerges playing a trumpet

The Birth of Dizzy Gillespie

Colorful and cartoonish portrait of Aldous Huxley wearing glasses shaped like a bicycle. A bright halo of alternating bands of color behind his head.

Immaculate Perception: Portrait of Aldous Huxley

Colorful, cartoonish characature of George Harrison playing a multi colored sitar keyboard with dancing horse figures in the background.

Revolution Number 4

Colorful, cartoonish characature of blue-bespeckled and purple-mustached Herman Hesse wearing a lotus flower patterned jacket and red bow tie in front of a global map background.

Herman's Big Adventure: Portrait of Herman Hesse

Colorful, cartoonish characature of bowler wearing Oscar Wilde dressed in a purple fur collar and cuffed jacket seated and holding a staff. A moon aura surrounds his head with a stare sky background.

O: Portrait of Oscar Wilde

Colorful, cartoonish characature of two bushy eye-browed, blue suited, red tie wearing men seated side by side smoking pipes and drawing sketches. A graphic explosion of grey and white background.

Physics is Phun - Portrait of Niels Bohr

Colorful, cartoonish characature of white haired bun elderly Georgia O'Keefe standing and holding a rectangle form to virtually frame the western dessert landscape. of red rock hills, round yellow sun and blue sky.

O'Keefe Magic

Colorful, cartoonish characature of bespeckled, blue fedora wearing James Joyce in a blue suit and striped tie seated holding a cane and gazing at a floating pint of draft beer. Text 'My Goodness, My Guiness' is in the background.

The Dubliner: Portrait of James Joyce

Exhibition graphic with text 'As Above, So Below, Paintings by Steven Justice with Colorful and cartoonish portrait of Aldous Huxley wearing glasses shaped like a bicycle. A bright halo of alternating bands of color behind his head.

Exhibition graphic