George H. Clark Gymnasium (CLK)

George H. Clark

George H. Clark was one of the original 14 stockholders of the Eastman Kodak Company. As a young man, he took his entire savings of $1,000 and invested it in a company that he believed had great possibilities in the field of photography.

In 1921, he became director of the Eastman Kodak Company and served in that capacity for over 20 years. Later, he organized and became president of the Cochrane Bly Co., makers of machine tools.

He served on the Rochester Institute of Technology Board of Trustees from 1910 to 1953 and also held the positions of director, secretary and treasurer. George Clark had a deep interest in the concerns of the Institute, and not only gave generously of his time but was equally as generous with monetary donations. Mr. Clark left the Institute funds designated for establishment of a health and recreation center.

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Floors: 2