Munsell Color Science Laboratory (COL)

Albert H. Munsell

The Munsell Color Science Laboratory (MCSL) can be traced back through the Munsell Color Foundation, and further back to that Foundation's start with the Munsell Color Company. The Munsell Color Company was founded by Professor Albert H. Munsell, the originator of the Munsell Color Order System. The directors of the Munsell Color Company eventually sold the company's assets and created the Munsell Color Foundation. The Munsell Color Foundation was charged with furthering the scientific and practical advancement of color knowledge.

In 1983, the Foundation trustees voted to dissolve the foundation, and donate the proceeds to an academic institution for the creation and endowment of the Munsell Color Science Laboratory. RIT was selected as the recipient of this donation, and MCSL was born.